Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Lovely Shortened Week


I lurve me some short weeks of school, y'all. I would lurve them more if the sunshine would rear it's beautiful yellow head.

I am soooooo tired of rain, and while I try not to be a complainer~I'm about to start complaining about all this rain and dreariness we've had lately. B.L.A.H.

We have an exciting weekend, and I can't wait to get started on it. Starting with Drew's field trip to the Wolf River tomorrow. He is so excited, he's just about beside himself. I'm going to go with him for a little while, but my dad is going to stay with him. :) Tomorrow night we're making our annual trek to Tom's Farm for a bonfire dinner and hayride with some great friends. Woohoo!! I lurve Fall and pumpkins!

Saturday night is our Missions Dinner at the church. Missions Week is my favorite time of year at church. I lurve to hear all about how they live in different parts of the world, and the work they do over in those parts.

I seriously don't ever want to experience life outside of church, y'all. The next 4 days are going to be spent with our beloved church family. I feel grateful to have that. It's something I've never quite experienced before we came to this church, and I lurve it.

Do you ever feel so overwhelmingly grateful for something? That's how I feel. And I feel that way about lots of things~my family, a job that I enjoy with people who are great to work with, health, but most importantly~God and His goodness. Even though I have fallen WAY short of His glory~still, He loves me.

Last night in choir practice, Music Man led us in worship and prayer, and at the end he gave us the chance to say what we were grateful for. I sat and just basked in His goodness as tears of joy and gratitude streamed down my face. I can't help but praise Him.

I'm attaching a video of a song that I lurve. My friend made a cd for me and this song was on it and I was hooked. Thank you, Christa! I have played it over and over. If you want, listen to this song while you read what I wrote, because it's a lengthy one. Even though it's a Christmas song, it's great to worship to. So. Listen and be blessed. My God captivates me. Let Him captivate you through this music.

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