Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall Fun

Yesterday dawned early and dreary. Drew was so excited about his field trip, he could hardly sleep the night before. This year the 4th grade took a 6 mile round trip walking field trip to the Wolf River. This picture below was taken from the board walk. It was beautiful back there~I'm ashamed to admit that this was my first time back there. I know, I know. We have this beautiful area near my house, and we've never used it. But, I have to admit that I didn't know about it until the last year or so.

This is my adorable daddy with Drew. Yes, this precious man went with us on his field trip. I had to leave after about an hour, but my dad was able to stay until after lunch. He went with Graham on this same field trip last year, too. This was when we stopped to look at six or seven deer in the woods.

There were different stations set up along the boardwalk, and this one was the one on meteorology. This was the only station I was able to go to, since it was a mile and a half walk back to my car. The kids had science journals that they made notes in, since this was an all day learning field trip. Cool, huh?

The beautiful Wolf River. We were right on it. It was worth the mile and a half walk.

On my way back, of course I had to stop and appreciate the scenery that God gave us to enjoy. I thought this was a cool picture.

It turned into a breathtaking day. Seriously, we have a God who gives us all this to enjoy. Isn't He amazing?

The only thing that would have made this picture more perfect would have been my kids posing. Because they just make everything look better, ya know??

We ended the day by going to Tom's Farm. This is our third year to carry out this tradition in October. The kids LOVE going out there every year. We took our own hot dogs and makings for s'mores and roasted them over a bonfire. The kids played on the rope swing, they ran all around on the land out there, and after we all ate, we all loaded up for a hayride. There were 17 of us, total. Three couples, then all the kids. We had an amazing time. Graham didn't feel good. :( He was freeeeeezing!

And little Jonah was just precious, hanging around with his daddy all night. Jonah is all about some bonfires, y'all. He would have been right in the middle of helping get the fire going, if we'd let him.

And I am sad to say that those are the only 2 pictures I took the entire night. I'm so disappointed with myself. We were having too much fun for me to remember to dig the camera out. It was a great night. Graham looked at me at one point during the hayride and said, "Mom, I love doing this every year. Thank you."

Ahhhhhhh. So do I. So do I.


  1. Such wonderful memories you are making for your boys. I am so thankful that my precious grandsons have such wonderful parents who love them so much. I thank God for such a wonderful life!!!!

  2. Your Dad is so precious!!! Looks like the wolf river is awesome, I need to taket the boys there some time. They would enjoy that!

    Have a wonderful Saturday!!!


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