Saturday, September 5, 2009

Whatcha Doin'?

Some Things I Did Today

Read my vampire book
Bought some new OPI polish~"We'll Always Have Paris"~
Wished my hair had some really funky, chunky reddish highlights, although this could be inspired from my loverly friend Christa
Shopped with my Mom
Ate lunch with my mom
Went to Chuch~E~Cheese
Let Noah take pictures of Twinkle Toes
Made my kid get off my facebook account
Let Noah take self portraits of him and afore mentioned cat
Read my facebook status that my kid wrote on afore mentioned account
Wrote "ROLL TIDE" on somebody's wall
Kissed my hubby passionately {because this should be done EVERY day}
Wished we could go on vacay withOUT the kiddos
Decided to be thankful for the chance to go on a mini~vacay WITH the kiddos next weekend
Painted my toes with my new cool OPI polish
Thought about doing the nails, too
Was proud over the fact that when Graham danced at Chuck~E~Cheese that he actually could dance pretty good, thanks to his friend at school
Listened to Rascal Flatts {Todd, don't hate me}
Let my kids have a sleepover in the office again
Cracked up over the fact that now only is Todd screaming at the game, Graham is too
Loved my family fiercely
Thought, "wow, that's a great picture" about our HD tv
Got really excited over the new kitchen fixture
Wished for a new purse
Got complimented on my cool earrings
Forgave my husband for being RUDE when I was asking him something~Debi~we need to pull a Bon Qui Qui on him
Got excited over the new Bible study starting in a couple weeks
Kissed my kids
And maybe the dog
Sang with Graham and smiled at his great voice
Picked out some super cool jeans for my man
Totally checked him out in them
Got embarrassed over this post
Then thought "oh, well, we're married"
Signed off

What did YOU do today?!


  1. You are so funny -- I did a few of these myself -- would have done more if I wasn't working this weekend! Love ya...

  2. How in the world did you keep up with all of that?! Did you keep a log? I need to do one. That's so fun! a great idea! I love it.

  3. :) Nope, I didn't keep a log. I just went thru my day in my mind. It's fun.


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

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