Friday, September 18, 2009

iT's FiNaLlY fRiDaY

Yup. I'm thrilled it's Friday! My hubby worked with the sheriff's department last night, so it was a quiet evening at home with just the boys and myself. It was actually very nice. I made a really simple dinner {and managed to choke it down, because although they love, I don't} and baked chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

We watched the season premier of Survivor together, then studied our spelling words~with 4, this feat takes a while~then they had showers and went to bed. I let them sleep on the floor together as a special treat, because this is their most favorite thing to do.

I was signing in to post this, and I realized that this is my my 503rd post. Wow. Who knew I had so many words locked up inside me? They must have been begging to get out, because 2 years ago in November will be when I started it. Although I didn't really become faithful in writing until several months after that.

We have a fun night scheduled for tonight~if only the weather holds out. We're supposed to be having a family bonfire, hayride and outdoor movie tonight, but it may get moved indoors due to the weather. :( I'm praying the rain stays far away today. If you are reading this, and are planning to go to this, for more info as to where it's going to be held tonight~call the church~843~8600 is the number. The children's pastor said the decision will be made sometime today~I would assume not until after 12:00.

Well, I'm going to help the kiddos get ready for their day. I hope you all have a fantabulous Friday~and if you work outside of the home~I hope it goes quickly! Love to all!

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