Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blah Thursday

I strongly dislike Thursdays. I always have. It stems back from early childhood. It was always my worst day of school, and the only day that I disliked. It has not changed. Especially when it's dreadfully dreary this morning. It was dark when I woke up, and I didn't wake up that early. It was the lack of sunshine. I am thankful that my kitchen is painted "Poppyseed Yellow" {Farrel Calhoun}~it does a great job of giving me my daily dose of sunshine. Whenever we finally decide to take the plunge~our family room will be the same bright, cheerful color.

It's been a good week~not great, not bad~but I am so ready to relax with my amazing hubby and little guys all weekend. We've got lots of fun things going on~it'll be busy Fri. and Sat. night, but we're all excited. Hopefully we'll have our friend, Mr. Sunshine back.

Do you ever feel like you're in a rut? Wanting to move forward, but unable because of circumstances, situations around you? I'm kind of feeling this~I'm ready to see something big. Huge. Of monstrous proportions. I'm waiting, expecting and believing. For what, I don't exactly know, but I know that when it happens, it's going to knock me to my knees. I'm ready. Anxiously waiting. Hmmm....

Well. I have to run. The rain is going to slow me down a bit this morning, so I need to get off this thing. Love to all!!! Hope your day is amazingly blessed.


  1. Today is kind of a blah day for me as well! I am in a rut right now, several things coming my way and not sure if it's God timing to pursue them or not. Keep me in your prayers that I make the best decision for our family!

    Miss you bunches!!!

  2. I will! I think mine has to do with the weather. I will definitely be praying for you, though! See you Sunday??


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!


  Happy Monday, friends! I am trying to do better this week by writing this post as I go along in my weekend. I completely forgot about this...