Wednesday, September 30, 2009

All About Todd

In Honor Of Our Upcoming Anniversary

Everything you might want to know about my hubby

1. Where did you meet? The very first time we met was at kids' camp when we were like 9. Fast forward to a lot of years later to high school~my junior year~we met again at church.

2. How long did you date? My memory is sketchy here. I think we dated a year. Almost. Not quite. Something like that.

3. How long have you been married? 13 years~almost!

4. What does he say that surprises you? Not much. I can read him like a book.

5. What is your favorite feature of his? His hands, his voice.

6. What is your favorite quality of his? The ability to fix anything and everything. He is literally the smartest person I know. His brain amazes me~how he can work numbers in his head and how he's so fast at doing it. I also really love his voice. Did I mention that?!

7. Does he have a nickname for you? Jenny, Jen~I'm only Jennifer when he's trying to get my attention or when he's mad at me. :(

8. What is his favorite color? Green.

9. What is his favorite food? Meat and potatoes~he's not that into vegetables, although he will eat them if I cook them. He just prefers the meat and potatoes. He also really likes my mom's cooking~her dumplins, to be specific. He loved the homemade alfredo pizza I made the other night. He's actually very easy to please in the category of food.

10. What is his favorite sport? Football, hands down. Wait for it. Wait for it. SEC College football, to be exact. Are you impressed, Todd??

11. When and where did you first kiss? In a movie theatre on our very first date. We'd gone to see The Little Rascals and his line was, "Would you think of me too forward if I asked you for a kiss?"

12. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Drive around at night with the windows down listening to music and looking at houses. We used to do that all the time before we got married and then before we had kids. Now we're lucky if we're able to drive around and actually carry on a conversation while in the same car!

13. Do you have any children? No, all the little people that live with us are just horizontally challenged strays that we've taken in.

14. Does he have a hidden talent? Lots. He can sing and he can play instruments. His real talent has to do with computers~he is definitely a computer geek and can fix almost any problem.

15. How old is he? 32

16. Who said "I love you" first? Me~if writing it down counts. If it doesn't, he verbalized it first. We were high school sweethearts, what can I say?

17. What is his favorite type of music? Country~the older stuff. George Strait, Johnny Cash, Allen Jackson.

18. What do you most admire about him? His work ethic~he is not afraid of hard work. He is very willing to help anyone in need, whether it be a family member, an elderly person from church, someone who's been in a wreck or broken down on the side of the road, he is always willing to stop and help. I love that he is not lazy.

19. Do you think he will read this? Yup. Eventually.

20. Where did you go on your first date? Dinner and a movie. I know, I know, original, huh?? Like I said earlier~we were 17.

We will be married for 13 years on this Sunday, October 4th. It's been a great 13 years.

I love you, Todd.


  1. I Love You, Too!!!!...BTW it's Alan Jackson

  2. Whatever. Some Allens are spelled this way.

  3. Okay #12 is the EXACT SAME for us - from riding around looking at houses to barely being able to have a conversation even tho we are right next to each other!

    ....and I and STILL laughing over #13!!!! My answer too!

    Love ya girl...and Happy Anniversary! We will be celebrating 13 years in November -- woo hoo!

  4. That is hilarious!!!! I knew I liked you!!


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