Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Little Scripture

Isaiah 50:4 The Sovereign LORD has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he awakens me and opens my understanding to his will.

I read that verse 3 times this morning~once in my morning devotion, once by accident when I flipped open my Bible to Isaiah, and once again in an email devotion that I get everyday called The Vine. You know that usually happens when God is trying to get your attention.

I am loving this day that I am about to start~I love Sundays!! Especially this one because tonight we're having a concert with Regi Stone. We practiced yesterday and had an amazing time of worship just in the practice. I'm excited about tonight! If you're reading this locally, come join us tonight at Memphis First Assembly of God at 6pm! You will be blessed, I promise!

Well. It's time for me to go wake up all my men for church. I'm going to attempt to get them to eat breakfast, but I just found out last week that they've been eating donuts at the church every Sunday~the ones that this sweet man brings to the people that help out in the Sunday School office. So. We'll see how this goes. Love to all, and be blessed today on this Lord's day!

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