Sunday, August 9, 2009

It's That Time...

The backpacks are packed full and ready to go, the lunch boxes are out and cleaned, clothes are all laid out, kids are in bed, and I'm about to be. Tomorrow is back to reality. I have never enjoyed my summer as much as I did this one. Perhaps because I knew that in 2 short months I would be back to working every day. I relished in all the relaxed moments we shared. Shoot, I haven't even worn my watch all summer, if that tells you anything. The battery died back in May and I did not see the point in getting it replaced. Why? Time was all I had at that moment, and I did not care to know the time or the date.

Do you remember being a kid and laying in bed the night before school? I remember not being able to sleep. I never knew who was going to be in my class, and I am pretty sure I had some nervousness somewhere in there. I loved buying school supplies and picking out all my new stuff. This is so not the case for boys, by the way. They could care less. I still love to buy school supplies. I got so much joy out of labeling all their stuff today. Fresh paper and notebooks, new pencils, brand new erasers...I know, I know. I'm a nerd.

I started a new book with Jonah and Noah tonight...I am introducing them to the Junie B. Jones series, the same series of books that Graham and then Drew loved so much their first grade year. Jonah's eyes popped out when I read him the title: "Junie B. Jones and the Stupid, Smelly Bus". He said, "Mom, that is not nice." I know. But it's Junie B. I love me some Junie B. They get a kick out of the countrified accent I use when she speaks.

Speaking of Jonah, say a prayer for him, will ya? He cried tonight over first grade. He said he didn't want to go to first grade. :( That is what an amazing teacher does for you. I am really excited about the sweet lady he has this year~she was Drew's first grade teacher, and I dearly love her. She's a great Christian lady, with kids Graham's and Drew's age. She has tons and tons of sympathy. I hope she reaps it onto Jonah in the morning if he cries as I walk out. The fact that I will be there with him all day did help console him. I'll have to go and peak in on him when I get a chance!

God has blessed us with amazing teachers again this year. I've never had a less than wonderful teacher at this school, and I am extremely grateful to our principal, who takes the time to consider personalities when matching students to teachers. She is phenomenal, and I am so thankful. They are all super excited about their new teachers this year. Especially Graham, who told him when she called, "Roll Tide". I thought the kid {and his dad} was going to keel over.

Well, I need to wind down before I turn in for the night. And I need to get off of here. I will write again tomorrow and let you all know how our first day back went. Thanks for the prayers everyone! Love to all!


  1. Hey Jen I hope your guys have a great first day tomorrow!

    I was wondering if you could email me with Shea's email and or phone number. Wanted to maybe invite her to MOPS....I know she has a couple older kids but one at home right? Or maybe I am thinking of someone else. anyway if you think she'd be interested I'd love to talk with her about it.

    Thanks and see you soon!

  2. We love some Junie. B. Jones, too!! Mrs. Fanning read them last year and Weston was a little addicted for a while, I think we have the whole series. Now we can the Junie. B. FIRST GRADER!!! Did all the boys do okay today? Weston did, Mrs. Marks is really nice! Have a great day!

  3. My son also said he didn't want to go to first grade. He said it was going to be "too hard." And you're right...boys don't care about new clothes and school supplies. But I love it :)

  4. We love you!!!Have a great day...
    thanks for sharing..
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