Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Friday!

Well, kind of. Last night we were sitting in the living room, when Jonah looks at me and starts bawling. I asked him what was wrong and he said his throat hurt. He also had fever. So. Because of it being the weekend, Todd took him to the doctor this morning, and yup. It's strep.

We had to cancel our plans with the friends we had coming over. So sad. We did reschedule for the same thing, just next Friday night. So here we sit, watching the newest Suite Life On Deck, listening to Todd mow the jungle, I mean GRASS. And here I sit.

Don't get me wrong, I love you folks, but I'd much rather be sitting around a table, talking, laughing and playing cards with our friends. I guess this isn't too bad of a way to spend a Friday night, though. Just hangin' and relaxin'. After our first week back, I must admit, it is pretty nice.

So, I am in the mood to watch Madea. I am needing to laugh some, and who better to make you laugh than Madea? If you have never watched Tyler Perry, you might want to start. He is ahhhmazing!! Lurve me some Tyler Perry. I'm trying to talk Todd into watching it with me, but he's kinda busy right now.

So. I'm gonna go hang with the brothers. Have a happy, great, funtastic Friday night. Love to all.


  1. I am totally cracking up. I am watching Madea because my day has been terrible. Little Bon got five teeth extracted today. SHe was pitiful. She did really good, but let's face oral surgery is painful for anyone. The Dr.'s nurse said, " She sure does like to talk....we put the gas on her and she started talking with the thing over her nose and mouth". They said she was talking about her horse named Princess. know she would not put the shut to the up.
    Meanwhile I have had's been a day to remember that's for sure. SO MADEA sounds good for me to.


  2. I meant to ask you how she did yesterday. I was praying that she was ok, bless her heart. How is she now? She is so funny, I know she prob. did talk their ears off! Lil Bon. I miss her. And Boo. And of course you and the Mr. :( Why do you have vertigo? Is it from meds? Girl. Did you get my msg. about the DS? We got your box, and we shipped Austin's yesterday. It's wrapped in tons of bubblewrap. Todd bought a roll so it wouldn't get all thrown around. It'll be safe. I love you. Hope y'all have a great weekend!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...