Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 2?

Wow. Surely I'm tired only because of the getting up earlier thing. I didn't actually do that much today~I did work all day~but really? This tired? I walked the building a few times and helped out in the front office, then I did my job, but seriously. I should NOT be this exhausted.

My husband is leaving me tonight. Not for good. Just a couple hours. Him and Travis are going to see GI Joe, and boy, are my kids ticked. He told them he's checking it out to see if it's suitable for them, since it's PG 13. I promptly went upstairs and put on the jammies. After waking up my 10 minute siesta. :) Back to the movie thing~~it's only fair that he enjoy his huge discount every once in a while. He usually gives it up for me and a girlfriend!

The kids and I are hanging out...watching a little tele before reading some of our book. I wonder why they're not as tired as I am....oh to be a kid again. Today was a great day, praise God! It wasn't even all that busy in the office, which is the whole reason why I went in to help all day. Tomorrow morning I am planning on staying home until I actually have to be there. Laundry, cleaning, vacuuming, and all that fun stuff. We have friends coming over Friday night, and I don't want to wait until the last minute to start on it all.

I love me some friends....I have missed them all while we were gone. I am not sure what we're eating yet~probably hamburgers and hot dogs~but I'm excited. Until then, I have to survive this first week back. I'll be fine, I'm sure. I guess this is what I deserve for not having any sort of schedule this summer. That's okay though, it was totally worth it!

The boys are loving their new teachers. I feel like they got the best ones, and I am very thankful. Jonah is proving to himself {and me!} that he is a big boy, and is holding his own amidst all of his classmates. I am loving being back, too {in spite of the tired thing}, and seeing all my sweet kiddos. I really do love seeing them. They're all so precious. Well, most of them, anyway.

Ok, well, my time is up. The boys are about to be out of the shower, and I need to go spend some quality time with them. Love to all!

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