Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cool Quote

I came across a neat quote this morning in my morning devotion and wanted to share it. I've been praying for a special lady in my life~if you're reading this, know that this is meant for you today.

"Jesus did not come to explain away or remove suffering. He came to fill His presence with it." This is by Paul Clidell, a French poet, and diplomat.

If all we can do is pray...then ALL we can do is pray. There is power in the name of Jesus. We sang a song at our choir concert this Sunday night that says this:

"Your Name is a strong and mighty tower
Your Name is a shelter like no other
Your Name~let the nations say it louder
Nothing has the power to save but Your Name!"

We sang this last night at choir practice, too. We were praying for some pretty big issues, and Music Man started singing this song. There is POWER in His name. Prayer is powerful, and if for now that is all you can do~then do it. He hears, listens, and comforts. He brings peace like no one else can. He restores minds, marriages, mends broken hearts and works all things out for the good of those who love Him. He NEVER does anything accidentally. If God has placed something so strongly on your heart that all you can do is think about it day and night, then PRAY. Keep on doing so until He reveals to you what else He wants you to do.

I hope this find its way to someone who needs it today. Love to all.


  1. Beautiful!! God is so good to walk with us and lead us to His will. Prayer is so powerful. Thank you Jesus that you hear our prayers and work all things out for our good.

    God bless you Jen!

  2. Praise God...he answered my prayer today. Nicole got into another school. She was very happy this afternoon. Thank you for praying sistah!


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