Wednesday, July 22, 2009


am I watching Hannah Montana when I am the only one in my living room?
is it when I have 6 kids, none fight, but when it's my 4, they do?
can't I ever like my hair? Just once, in 32 years would be nice.
am I never satisfied with the polish on my toes and feel the need to redo them every week?
is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME I play a game with my kids, they beat me?
am I hideously uncomfortable at the center of attention?
do I think I never have enough books?
am I such a neat freak?
can't I make myself paint the living room? I have been wanting it done forever.
can't Todd and I agree on a simple color to paint said room?
can I return an email do quickly but not a telephone call?

Hmmm, good things to ponder.


  1. #1: Let's all face it, if we could go back we would all love to be Hannah Montana!
    #2: That's because their too preoccupied to care...two extra kids make a difference and chances are they are battling for attention.
    #3: All your sisters are totally jealous of you hair...get real sista!
    #4:It's because your like me like shiny toes!
    #5: You kids beat you because you are like me and you are not good at games. Let them win and then make them feel sorry for you and they will play in your place! IT WORKS!
    #6: That's because you have been the center of attention your whole entire childhood because you are so beautiful everyone thought you look like a blonde Shirley Temple!Your over it. I have taken your spot from being the middle child who was totally ignored.
    #7:You do have alot of books...bring me some.
    #8: Are you... because I have a couple of piles in corners you can help me with..yay!
    #9:Yes you can paint. Don't ask him about the color ...just surprise him. He trust your taste! Have a girl paint party with a little sangria.
    #10: Yes you are a little bad about the calls...but I love you anyway! Did I win the award. Somebody get me a Butterfinger! Lisa has my lamp that you need to bring me!

  2. You kill me. Maybe I'll let you "guest post" on my blog one day. Bring some humor into my world. You got all the funny genes!

    WhAteVaH!!! About the childhood thing...well, maybe, but only b/c I had forever by myself! By the time I was 8, I was like an only child! And yes, I was catered to. I was spoiled. Am? Was?? Was.

    I'll bring you a bag FULL of butterfingers.


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