Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why I Love Rainy Days

I seriously do love them. Rainy days, that is. They're great for sleeping late, for sitting and doodling on the computer for hours on end, for an excuse not to get dressed until time to leave, and for organizing the tornado closet!!! My husband is SOOO going to fall in love with me all over again because of this.

He is the one who always has to go search through that closet for something or other, and every time he opens the door, he gets really mad and starts grumbling. I'm probably making him sound bad, but it is seriously the one room in the entire house that he ABSOLUTELY hates. With a passion. So today, I cleaned it out. Not because of him grumbling, because even though he may do that, he would never in a million kajillion years ask me to clean out that closet. He knows I would bite his head off if he asked me. I have really been meaning to do it forever, and I just never seem to have the time. Today I did. It was amazing. I am so happy right now. I want to do my entire house, but I know that if I attempt to do that, I will get overwhelmed and not finish.

So, we've got this great closet under the stairs {hence the "tornado closet"} that I fell in love with the minute I first saw this house. It's huge. Which is why it gets so messy. Anyway, there are shelves on one wall, and a coat rack on the other wall. And loads of space in between. Remember this post? In all that glorious space was just a pile of junk. Including 2 beanbags that belong to the boys. I'm not sure where the other 2 are. I hung up all the coats that just got thrown in there, I threw away a whole garbage can full of stuff...and NOT the indoor kind of garbage can. I mean the garbage cans that belong to the city of Collierville. Yup. I had that much junk and paperwork from the school year. Ridiculous, I tell you.

Since I got rid of all that junk, that cleared off all the shelves. Now 1 shelf is designated for extra school supplies, and the other shelves are all for the million and four games that we own. Since I put all that onto the shelves, it cleared off the floor. And now???? The only thing on the floor are the 2 beanbags and the sparkling, clean carpet.

I love me some clean closets, y'all. My hubby is going to be shocked that he can even see that clean carpet. It was all I can do, since he's having the worst day he's had in a long time. He's moving out of his GINORMOUS warehouse today. And tomorrow. But today has not been good. The guys they had scheduled to help had a scheduling conflict, so they weren't there. It's also been raining on and off all day. They haven't done all the things they wanted to for today.

So. I have 30 minutes to sit and enjoy doing nothing. I have to get dressed then, and leave to go to the choirpractor. And yes, I'm still misspelling it on purpose. After that we're going to eat Pei Wei at church, then it's VBS again! Fun times! I really am loving the VBS thing...it's fun doing registration b/c you get to see everybody, and the kids are having a blast.

Love to all! Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!!!!

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