Monday, July 13, 2009

Just 1 Little Thing...

I don't have a lot of time, so this is going to be really short today. I am taking my mom to the doctor today. She has had some issues going on for quite some time now, and a new thing just came up on Friday~she keeps on getting really dizzy. So. I am taking her to the doctor today at 1:15. I would really appreciate it if you all would say a prayer for her this morning. She is very nervous, and needs some of that all~surpassing peace that can only come from God. I know that no matter what, she is in His hands.

Thank you so's great having praying friends...whether you're reading this on my blog, or via my blog on FaceBook. I appreciate and love you all dearly. I'll update later.


  1. Hope everything is okay with your mom. I will be praying.

  2. Thank you so much, Kim!!! I really appreciate those prayers!!!


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