Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!

We began our 4th of July celebration last night with some close friends, the Coleman's. We cooked out, played a new {to us} card game called Presidents and Losers {actually there's a different name, but I'm not gonna say it}, watched the fireworks in Collierville, then swam. Fun times. So yesterday as I was getting ready, I was taking pics, making these 2 cuties act like they love each other.

I was in the process of neatening things up around here {making the boys put up their toys}, when I went into to use the, ahem, facilities, and this is what I found.

And this. They had bought these little thingies {for lack of a better word, because what would YOU call them?} at CiCi's pizza yesterday. Thirty~four of them, to be exact. Yup. 34. Jonah and Noah decided that their little guys were hot and wanted to "swim". So. They swam. In my bathroom.

I asked them to please let them swim in the bathroom upstairs. Because I wouldn't want them to accidentally drown while our guests were here that night. Because you just never know.

This was my veggie tray. Nothing special, I just love my dish. And fresh veggies with yummy homemade ranch dip. Mmmm mmmm. Just screams "sUmMeR", doesn't it?

So we ate. And talked. And played cards. And watched the Ville's fireworks. And swam. And this is what we came home to at 1:30 am. DC couldn't hold his eyes open any longer. They all got out of the pool at midnight oh one {like that?} and we played cards over at Travis and Katie's. It was a grand time had by all.

God love little Noah. He couldn't stay up either.

And neither could these 2. Is this not the sweetest thing you have EVER seen? This is precious little Hannah. And Jonah. We decided that this would be the photo we showed on the big screen at their wedding rehearsal dinner. Just because. They are SO gonna get married someday. They even shared the same pillow!

Love to all of you today. May you have a blessed day with your family, your friends, and may you take the time to give thanks for this wonderful, FREE country that we are so blessed to live in.


  1. Cute pictures!! Happy 4th!

  2. Thanks, girlie! Happy 4th to you and your family, too!

  3. SO stinkin cute. They are precious. I cant' wait to see you all. Call me as soon as you can.


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