Monday, July 27, 2009

Good Mornting

It was a phenomenal weekend. Again. It always seems like they all are nowadays. My only complaint is the speed in which they pass.

Friday night we went to my dad's house and hung out while the kids played and fished. Saturday night, one of our friends turned 40 and we went to The Butcher Shop downtown to celebrate with them. It was a lot of fun. It was great to have a night out without the kids since that never happens! It's funny because every time we have a night alone, we always end up at Walmart. Saturday night was no exception.

Last year we went out one night before school started and bought all their school supplies. Saturday night we didn't do that, although I wish we had. I have to do that sometime this week. It's either this week or the Saturday before school starts, and most of you know me and shopping on Saturdays. Bad combination. I hate shopping.

Other things on the agenda for this week are laundry, keeping my house clean {because I will NOT come home to a dirty house!}, sorting clothes, packing, getting things organized and ready for our trip! I am beside myself with excitement!! I cannot wait for Friday!

Until then we have a busy week. Our church has family VBS this week, and I'm working all 4 nights. I also have to squeeze in 3 chiropractor appointments, finalize all of our plans for our trip, and manage to keep my 4 kids entertained and happy all week. Because who wants 4 fighting kids on such a busy week? Today their friend Aaron is here, so they're good for today. Who knows what the other days may bring?

Well. I need to get off this thing and get started. I have phone calls to make and laundry waiting on me. I hope your Monday is blessed, and if you're reading this and are local to Memphis, bring the family to our VBS tonight! There's a family conference for the adults, too! It all starts at 6:30 tonight through Wednesday night. Hope to see some of you there. Love to all!

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