Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A New Day

I love the freshness of a day. I love mornings. Even when we accidentally sleep late, like we did this morning. I was awoken by a room full of screaming boys. I don't know what in Sam Hill they were doing, but MAN they were loud. Todd slept late too. Oops. We were up until the wee hours of the morning laughing our heads off over my tongue~tied self. I love times like that. I couldn't have ever tried to be that funny, yet it was hilarious. Guess you had to be there.

Ok. So last night we had crazy weather again. Not as bad as Friday's "clean out the tornado closet" kind, but still. It was RIGHT before my show started. The Bachelorette. COME ON, crazy weather. It still recorded on my DVR, but when I went to watch it with Katie~Katie {btw, had a blast with you if you're reading this!}, all the little pixels were getting all scrunched up together. Thanks to our new DIGITAL television stations. Oh, analogue, where for art thou???

I felt like I was drunk watching tv. Seriously. I kept blinking my eyes repeatedly, hoping that would clear the problem. It didn't. Poor Katie said I had a better picture than she did, because she didn't wear her glasses. :( Can we have a re~do, ABC? Pretty please???

Anyway. On to bigger and better. We get to swim at Katie & Trav's today!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, both of you, if you're reading this. I'm so excited. We may freeze our posteriors off, but hey, we'll be in a pool. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I think they said it was a cool 80 degrees. Trav and his crazy self will swim when it's 78. If you're not sure what that feels like, think of something that once took your breath away. Over and over. And over and over. That's what it feels like. The good news is that's it going to be hot out, so it will be, um, refreshing.

Hopefully baseball will NOT get rained out tonight. My hubby is in charge since both the coach's teams are playing against each other. He's giving Graham a go at pitching. FINALLY. Poor kid has been promised all season that maybe the next game he could pitch. So Todd's in charge tonight and he's getting a shot! Woohoo! I love my hubby. He is SO the king of fair. Just like I am queen of fair. I guess we're a good match. :)

Well, I don't know about you, but I can't take much more of this excitement. I am going to run. And do some laundry. And straighten up some. And then get dressed. Well. Into the swimming suit, I mean. Yay! Happy Tuesday to you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jennifer!
    Your blog is so cute! Weston saw me looking and he said "Hey Mom--that looks like Jonah and Noah from my school! Ha!
    Have a great day!


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