Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Legacy

This morning we got news that our dear friend, Rudy Rosales, was called home to be with the Lord. He was at church on Sunday with his trademark smile and "Good Morning!" as he walked into the choir room with the bulletins he always so lovingly passed out. Who knew that would be the last time we saw him this side of Heaven?

Heaven is a real place, my friends. I know that his family left behind is sad, but they also have hope that Rudy is in Heaven with his Maker. I know that they take comfort in knowing that he is reunited with his beloved wife. It just makes you think about your life. Are you absolutely certain, without a shadow of a doubt, that if you died tonight, you'd end up in Heaven?

God is almighty, all powerful, but He doesn't force us to love Him. He leaves that up to us. He is a jealous God, and He wants us to want Him. To know and love and serve Him with all our hearts. Of course, He loves us all, but just because HE loves US, doesn't guarantee our spot in eternity. In order for us to get there, we have to have Him in our hearts. We have to ask Him to come in, repent of our sins, and admit that we can't do life without Him. We give control of our life over to Him. We remember 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Who we represent. Going to church is great, but it doesn't mean anything if we live different lives out of church.

God is IN us. All of the time. He knows our thoughts before we know them. He knows the outcome of our lives before we were even a thought. I proclaim to be a Christian, and I am one {even when no one is watching}, and I know where I'd end up if I died tonight. I am not scared of death. I have a mansion waiting on me in Heaven when I get there.

Do you have that assurance? Do you need to pray and ask forgiveness for some of the things you do every day, or did last night, or have done in the past? Things that you know are sinful, but just can't seem to stop? Life is hard, friends. I pity the person that tries to do it without the Lord in their life. I have no worries in life~I have given them all to the Lord in prayer. Can I pray for you today? Will you pray? Think about it. This could be a matter of life...or death.

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