Monday, May 11, 2009

So Is It Gonna Rain, Or Will It Be Shine?

Poor Todd has only been able to play one softball game because of all the rain we've had. He should have played 3 by now, but what can ya do? Here's hoping that tonight his game will happen!

It's been a Monday, has it not? I would love to say that I'm relaxing after a long productive day of cleaning house and folding laundry, but such is NOT the case. I am, however, resting with my feet up since they're killing me after all my walking. :)

I'm enjoying a little peace and quiet before all my lil' tornadoes come bounding through the door. I am leaving and picking them up about 20 minutes early today, because I have to run an errand for the school. Since the errand wasn't complete, I was told to leave and come back later to pick it up. So if it gets my boys out a little early, then so be it!

I also wish I had dinner all planned out for tonight, but that's a negative too. I am thinking about having those leftover hamburgers and hot dogs we had Saturday night. I was sick to my stomach and couldn't eat mine, so maybe that's what we'll have. I plan on relaxing some more after dinner, because this just feels way too good.

My little Andrew was not a happy camper at lunch today. I don't know what has gotten into him, but he's been so pouty. I can't stand when he's like that. He wanted me to let him get some chicken nuggets instead of his sandwich, but I told him no. Maybe that's what did it to him~but if that is true, then he needs to learn to get over things. Turkey. His teacher had a nice thing to say about him today {to counteract the not~so~nice thing she said about him the other day?}. That was a pleasant surprise~it was him being funny. Imagine that. They were playing Around the World, and he kept on making this silly face that cracks her up. It was nice of her to tell me that~she could have kept it to herself, but maybe she sensed I needed to hear that about him. He's been a bear lately. I am seeing a change in him and his attitude~can we say "change"? I don't like this~he's almost to 4th grade, and we all know how THAT has been this year.

On the upside, he is still {for the most part}, happy go lucky. Not uptight at all, just sulky when things don't happen his way. I can hear you laughing, Wiley. I know, this is tough for you to imagine {waiting on the lightning to strike me}, but it's true. Pay backs are not fun. And not fair. They get all this from Todd, not me! I was a perfect little angel. Ahem.

Well. I'm going to read now. I have several books waiting on me to just pick them up and start them, so I need to finish the one I'm currently reading. More posts are coming about the books I'm reading~I somehow got signed up to do blog posts about books, and review them. In return, I get free books! Woohoo! So. I'm off to do just that. Love to all.

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