Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Focus For The Week

I will remember what an amazing weekend we had, not that we have 17 more days of school with the same old problems.

I will remember the promise that God has given me in His word tonight~
1 Timothy 1:12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength to do His work. He considered me trustworthy and appointed to serve Him.

I will focus on the good things on the 900 {almost} students at CES.

I will be thankful for the job that I have, though small as it is. I will thank the Lord for His provision for our family. I don't know why He does it~but I will give thanks.

I will let my kids be kids~I will let them run, yell, and be loud. And I will NOT lose my cool over all that noise.

I will not complain. I will not whine. I will not succumb to gossip.

I will remember my girls night out Friday night, and smile.

I will plan another one real soon!

I will catch up on my Bible study homework~GASP! If you know me, this is soooo uncharacteristic of me. I am ashamed at how behind I am.

I will spend time alone with my Creator every morning. I will give Him my first~and my best.

I will not get on facebook so often this week. :(

I will start reading to my kids again. Starting with their school library books, even if they are a thousand pages long and about the importance of wheat. {That would be, ahem, Noah.}

I will catch up on some long overdue phone conversations this week. Mandy, Kelli, Sunny, Debi, Lisa, Trish.

I will do better at planning meals this week, and I will start to cook again. Something good, and healthy.

I will go on a {some?} bike ride with my family.

I will spend time outside with them, breathing in the fresh air that God has blessed us with. I will catch up with my neighbors, and I will NOT cry when they put Bruno to sleep on Tuesday. {Bruno is Mr. Dan's dog, and he lives right across the street from us. Bruno attacked our other neighbor's dog, Brian & Beth's dog, and Brian slipped on the concrete and busted his head wide open. This happened at 6am Friday morning, and it's the 2nd time Bruno attacked their dog. Praise the LORD that it was not a child. My tender heart can't help but be sad, though. I also need wisdom to tell Jonah where Bruno is going, because he's already asked 3 times.}

I will not hide the joy that God has given me, and I will keep it with me at all times, even when it's hard to do so.

I will start writing thank you notes again.

I will pick up the 2 picture orders from Costco and put them into albums. I will start to create and work on their school memory books that I do for all of the boys every year. Well, except for Jonah~his scrapbook is being given to him by the moms in his class.

I will pick up my journal and start writing in it again.

I will go to bed early, and wake up earlier.

Starting right now.

Love to all!

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