Thursday, May 28, 2009

Awe-Summm? Well, Not Really, But I'll Play

Here are the award rules:

1. List 7 things that make you Awe-Summm and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love (IF YOU WANT TO) =)

2. Make sure to tag the recipients and let them know they have won!

3. Also link back to the Queen that tagged you (I guess that is me???).

What makes me Awe-Summmm???

1. I love Jesus more than I love my life. And let me tell you, I LOVE my life. God is so good to me, a sinner saved by His amazing grace. If He can take someone like me, and transform me into who I am today, then He can do it for anybody.

2. My family and my friends are what keep me going. I have the best of both of those worlds. I love them all desperately, and could not ever in a million bajillion trillion years imagine my life without them.

3. My husband. And yes, while he is family, he deserves his own spot. I married the most incredible man, and I wish that I could say that for all the people I know and love. Todd is the most unselfish person I have ever met. He would literally give you the shirt off of his back if he thought it would make you better. I wish I could count all the times he's pulled over on the side of the road or interstate to help a stranded driver. If that ever happens to you, a face like his is the one you wish to see. He makes me laugh. He puts up with me. He gets me. He knows that I am not always pleasant, and he loves me anyway. In spite of. God showed me what His love looked like the day that I married my best friend, the one I laugh with, live for, love.

4. My kids. I have got amazing kids. I don't mean to brag y'all, but they are. I love the little guys so much that on some days, it feels like my heart is going to burst out of my chest. My heart is so full. I love hearing them play, laugh and run. They are my joy.

5. I love God's word, and I love studying it. I am not happy with where I am at the present moment, in terms of faith. I constantly want to be growing deeper and deeper in love with my Maker. I love finding truths in His word.

6. As much as I love my hubby and my boys, I love me some girl time. I have the worlds best girlfriends God could ever bless anyone with. Ahem. Christa. Rene. Leesh. You know who you are, and my life without you would be very boring and bland. You bring me joy.

7. I love to read. I love to read ANYTHING. The Bible, old hymnals, stories about how music was written and what the words mean, fiction, nonfiction, stories and books to my kids. You name it. ANYTHING. I am a huge book nerd. Library nerd. And I am proud of it. :)

Seven blogs I nominate: And yes I can count, but I only nominated six.

1. Alicia~this woman of God is a treasure to me. Though she is no longer local to me, I know she is there for me at all times. She moved to San Antonio a couple months ago, and while we were friends then, I feel like we have since become soul sisters. I love this girl. I cannot wait until she comes to visit this summer. I cannot wait to spend some time with her. Laughing. Joking. Talking. Maybe crying. Like when she has to leave. She's a great example of this: you never know what you have lost until you have lost it. Leesh, I love you to pieces and cannot wait to hug you!!!

2. Debi~my real life sister. Soul sista, as her blog states. She is amazing. She is older than me, and though she's in Florida, I feel like she's always a mile away. We can always ham it up and pick right back up from where we previously left off. She is a remarkable woman of God who just so happens to be raising the cutest nephew and niece a girl has ever seen. I admire her. I admire her strength, and quite honestly, I wish I was more like her. She is the funniest person I have ever met. Seriously. Love this chicka.

3. Jennifer~I graduated from school one year earlier than this girl. I wish we'd been better friends in high school, but let's face it: we were in high school. I love how this girly girl writes. She's charming, witty, funny, and as cute as a button. Her words are always amusing~she even cracks my husband up. I would love to get the chance to see her in person again~hint hint, Jen, if you're reading this~it would be great to catch up.

4. Patty~This sweet lady is a friend from the school where my kiddos go. She is someone I've gotten to know over the past 2 or 3 years, and the more I know her, the more I love her. Her words are always so refreshing. You literally never know what she is going to say next, and I could not love anyone more!

5. Rene~This girl will be my forever friend. We don't always talk. We don't see each other regularly. And yet we always pick right back up. She was the one who singlehandedly arranged for me to have meals delivered to me for 6 weeks after I had the twins. She is the kindest person that I know. It doesn't matter where we are in life~she will always be there for me. I hope she knows I will always be there for her, as well.

And lastly, but not least, my bloggy friend Dawn. I do not know this sweet lady in person, although I feel like I do. We first met through Beth Moore's blog, and then we started {didn't finish :(} a Bible study together last summer. Through the internet. I love reading about where she is in life. She is a beautiful wife, and mom to two of the most precious baby boys you will ever see. I am sort of re~living the boys' younger years through her. Some of her posts make me cry. In fact, a lot of them do. She is unabashedly in love with her Creator, and she loves all things related to Him, and learning about Him. She is an inspiration to all who read her words. God has gifted her with the ability to write. I sincerely hope that I get to meet her face to face someday. I know that if we met we'd be fast friends. And thank you, Dawn, for the sweet words you said about me on your blog.

I have to run, we have a softball game to watch tonight! Todd and the boys are itchin' to get out there on those fields! Love to all!!!


  1. Hi, I jumped over from Dawn's blog. I do know her personally and you have hit the nail on the head in your description of her. She is everything you said. She inspires me daily. I am so thankful that God brought us into each other's life. I hope you get to meet her in face to face this side of heaven, too.

    Also, I bought a birthverse bracelet a few years ago. How cool that you had that site linked here. Mine is Phil. 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


  2. Hey, thanks for stopping by! I sensed all that about her through her writing. How cool are you~what a great friend to her!

    I love that birthverse, it's one of my favorites. A bracelet? Cute! I got the link of another blog....not sure which one, it's been a while!

    Great "talking" to you!

  3. me?! aww thanks!!!

    we do need to get together. it would be too fun!

  4. AWWWW!!! I love you too! Can wait to see you in July!!


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