Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Things My Mom Taught Me

How to be a mom
How to love unconditionally
How to diaper/feed/burp/clean a baby {because I thought I knew and I so did NOT}
How to manage baby/house and stay sane~at least, reasonably so
How to treasure all the little moments
How to be the whole wife/mom package, all wrapped up into one
How to make the kids feel special in their individuality
How to nurture them when they were well, and when they were sick
How to cook like a good 'ol Suthun girl should
How to take pride in my own home, and make it into our family retreat
How to make memories with them~good, old fashioned traditions for each season

There are so many more things that she showed me by example. My mom was the mom that my friends were always jealous of. She was the one who packed the best lunches ever, the one who dressed the coolest, and the one they wanted to be around. She never missed a day cooking me three meals a day~we did not go out very often, most nights she had a full meal on the table. On the table. Not buffet style on the counter. She believed in family, and eating together was never NOT an option.

When I grew up, got married, and started my own family, she showed me that it was impossible to break a baby. She showed me how to do it all. She showed me what love looked like the day she held my firstborn. I remember telling her that I didn't think it was possible for me to love another human being as much as I loved Graham, and with tears in her eyes, she looked at me and said, "Now you know how I always felt." It was a day that changed me forever, and one that brought me closer to my Mom.

I have cherished the relationship we have together. We are very close, I talk to her on the phone at least once a day most days, sometimes two or three. If something good happens, she's the first one I want to call. If I am sick, she is still the one I want. There is no one else like a Mom, especially mine. Mom, thank you for all that you have taught me over the years, and thank you for still being my Mom. I love you. Happy Mother's Day.


  1. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! Your are the most beautiful wife and mother any man could ever dream of. Sorry I am aching today and unable to treat you the way mothers should be treated on YOUR day. I LOVE YOU!

  2. Thank you!!!!!!! I love you so much, and feel the same about you as a Daddy! And it's ok...I got over it. :) Muah.


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