Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I have fallen off the wagon on my Bible reading. I am resolving to change that. Sure I read a passage here, a passage there, but Music Man personally asked us last week to give God our best three: prayer, praise, and time in the Word. I think I got that right. I wasn't actually in practice. I was there but unable to go up to the choir room. Long story.

So this morning, I spent extra time in God's Word. I picked up in Esther. I am following the schedule in the back of my Bible, in case you're wondering, because I seem to do better doing it that way. I love the story of Hadassah. She was so full of doubt as she went before the King. But the Lord showed favor to her, and King Xerxes loved her the most out of all the young women who went before him. And, "for such a time as this" {Esther 4:14}, she was Queen.

Born Hadassah, then later becoming Esther {star}, she truly shone in her day. Not by her might, but in the Lord. He gave her the strength and boldness she needed, when she needed it. How cool is that? I love this story~and it's one close to my heart. Often I am too scared to speak my faith out loud, but I have been praying for God to give me this boldness that I need. And I think He's working in me. I pray that He continues to do so, and that I am open to what He wants me to do.

I am praying for all of you today. I pray that God's word comes alive in your lives.


  1. Jennifer, I was wondering if you could recommend a good Bible. I have The Transformer (KJV) from when I was a teenager and now want to try something new. My birthday is next week and a Bible is on the top of my list but not sure which one. Thanks and I still really enjoy reading your blog.

  2. Hey! It's been way too long....I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you, although I know in reality it hasn't.

    I LOVE THE BIBLE!!!! I have 6. One in just about every room. And the boys each have several. :) I highly, highly, highly recommend the New Living Translation. That's my personal favorite and it happens to be the same one Pastor uses. I love how it flows~almost like poetry. However, I feel the best STUDY Bible is the NIV. My personal favorite is the New Living Translation called The Sanctuary. It's teal and brown which are my fav. colors. It's cloth with a strip of leather in the middle. Don't get paper or hardback~they fall apart.

    Hope this helps!!!


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