Saturday, April 4, 2009

So On The Day After His Birthday, He Got Another Present....

This. It is our first official goosegg. Poor thing. Todd sent a picture to my email, and I just about croaked. It looks really nasty, doesn't it? Poor little guy. Todd said at first, it was just a scratch but just a few minutes after that, it turned into this. Todd said he immediately took him inside the church and got him some ice for it. Drew took it like a champ~he didn't get upset, and he's still playing. He didn't have his glove up over his face, so the ball collided with him. I'm wondering what his eye will look like later today...

We survived the sleepover. They had a blast. They had to lay down at 11:30 because all of the boys, and I do mean all 7 kids, had baseball practice or a game today. One of the boys had a tournament. It only took them 10 minutes to fall asleep. Drew had a great day yesterday and an even better time last night. Aunt Lisa made him a baseball cake to top it all off. We went to her house to eat and open gifts, and to wish Jaret a happy birthday, as well. Him and Drew share their birthdays.

Today, I'm just hanging around home doing some things while all the boys go to practice. Jonah's and Noah's first practice is today too, and they are beside themselves. They've been ready since 7:20. Tonight Todd's cousin is getting married, so those are the plans for tonight. Church tomorrow! Church has been ahhhhmazing lately, so I can't wait for tomorrow. Well, I'm going to go make beds and fold some clothes. I just thought I'd share our first goosegg with you all. Love to all and have a blessed weekend!


  1. gol-ly that is a large goose egg!! Hope he is doing ok.

    Stoppin' by to say "hi" and welcome to SITS. I know that you will enjoy being a part of this vibrant community of bloggers.

    carma :-)

  2. Mercy, that is one for the books! Gosh what a trooper he was. Love your header photo!

    Welcome to SITS - it's great to have you as a SITSta!

  3. Goodness!!! I hope he is going o.k.

    A new SITSer, yippee! Welcome! Come on over to my blog and check out my monogram bag giveaway..... :D

  4. Oh my gosh! I think I would have had a heart attack if I saw that on my child! What a birthday present!

    I stopped by to welcome you to SITS!

  5. HOLY MACARONI!!! Now THAT is a goose egg!!

    Good news is - if it swells out, it doesn't swell IN!

    Stopping by from SITS to welcome you to the SITStahood!

  6. Woah. That is crazy big!! Dropping by from SITS. Cute family!

  7. Oh my goodness I have never seen one that big before. I hope it is feeling and looking better today.

    I am stopping by to welcome you to SITS. I know your going to enjoy our little community.

    Have a blessed day!

  8. Wow, it's huge!!! Just dropped by to welcome you to SITS!!

  9. My goodness that is quite a goose egg. Hope his eye didn't get too colorful. I think we all have to learn to keep our gloves up the hard way.

    Welcome to SITS!

  10. Wow, he took it hard! I've never seen one quite that bad!


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