Friday, April 3, 2009


The Word for Today
with Bob Gass - Friday, 3rd April 2009

Good morning Jennifer
Peter heard him say, 'It is the Lord'... and jumped into the water.

After the disciples had fished all night, catching nothing, Jesus said to them, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat" and they caught 153 fish. That's how it works; one word from Him and suddenly everything changes for the better.

Then we read, "The disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, 'It is the Lord!' As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, 'It is the Lord,' he… jumped into the water" and went straight to Jesus (John 21:7 NIV). Notice, Peter had to decide whether to leave his fish and go to Jesus, or stay behind and enjoy what he'd worked hard for. It's a test we all face when we've accomplished our life's objectives, our nets are full, and we've finally 'made it'. The challenge is - do we stay and guard our blessings, or go overboard for the Lord and commit ourselves fully to Him?

Paul briefly refers to his career success: "You know my pedigree… from the elite tribe of Benjamin… defender of… my religion… meticulous observer of… God's law" (Philippians 3:3-6 TM). Career-wise, Paul was doing well. But listen to him now: "Things I… thought were so important are gone… dumped… in the trash so that I could embrace Christ" (Philippians 3:8 TM). Paul realised that his true identity lay not in his accomplishments, but in his relationship with Jesus. Do you feel that way? That night it probably felt like Peter was forfeiting everything, yet when he reached the shore he found Jesus busy - cooking fish! Whatever you need, God has it. Whatever you give up, He will repay many times over. Whatever you're willing to walk away from ultimately determines what He can trust you with.

*I love this story! It made me thank Jesus this morning for His grace and love, and it makes me want to keep running to Him with my arms wide open. Be blessed today, friends.*


  1. Jennifer, thank you for your sweet comment on the blog I wrote this afternoon. Knowing that you pray for me means the world -- it is prayer and God's grace, truly, that get us through. How does anyone make it without having a close walk with Jesus?

    I enjoyed this post and look foward to reading more of your blog. You're building a godly legacy for your boys and encouraging others along the way. Keep it up!

    Dee Dee

  2. Thank you! This was a great post:0)

    I stopped by from SITS to welcome you! It's great to have you in the SITStahood:0)


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