Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's Our Friday!

This week went by in the blink of an eye. Monday flew because of the kindergarten field trip, and the rest is a great big blur! I love weeks like that! My hubby is working for the sheriff's department tonight, so rather than being alone, I asked my amazing friend Christa to come over! I love girlfriend time! She comes with Asher the wonderdog, Andy's best friend.

While we're waiting on her to get here, the boys are occupying themselves with Drew's new Star Wars mold making oven. It's the boy version of the easy bake oven. I am waiting on the chicken spaghetti to cool off, then I'm going to let the boys eat their dinner while it's piping hot. Yum. It's a great recipe if you're interested. Maybe in a later post. It's super easy.

Tomorrow we're going to my dad's for a picnic. The boys are going to fish with fresh crickets {blah}, and he's going to grill us some hot dogs. That is their idea of what Heaven will be like! Tomorrow night we have a Good Friday service at church, then Graham and Drew are sleeping over at a friends. Saturday is dress rehearsal for Sunday and our annual church family Eggstravaganza. Fun times, I tell you. If you're looking for something to do Sat. and you're in our area, I can let you know some more details if you're interested.

Well, I'm going to feed my babies. They're all practically panting, they're so hungry. Imagine that. Happy Thursday to you all, and have a blessed night!!!


  1. What a beautiful family you have! Your boys are so cute!

    Coming over from SITS to say Welcome & Hello!!

  2. Sounds like you have a nice weekend planned. I bet the picnic at your dad's was a lot of fun!!

    I'm here as part of the SITS Welcome Wagon! I've been with them since the beginning, and am a huge fan. I'm met so many amazing women and read so many fun blogs. It's truly a wonderful blogger support site for women. Welcome, SITSta!

  3. Welcome to SITS!!! Glad to have you and hope to see you around!!


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