Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm Better Now

At least as far as my overloaded brain goes. I'm wrapping things up for teacher appreciation week, and I got all the snack schedule worked out. And it's Wednesday! Woohoo! I love Wednesdays. My sweet little first grade friends won't be there for lunch today, so it'll be sort of quiet in the cafeteria. And it buys me an extra 30 minutes of sit down lunch with my co~workers. You gotta love field trip days.

I'm so excited about church tonight. Music Man is off in the wild blue yonder filming an infomercial, so he gave us the night off in choir. I will be joining my women friends in their group meeting tonight, and cannot wait. We have an amazing new women's director, my good friend, Alette Shappley. That is the most on fire woman for God, and when you talk to her she is always saying things like, "Thank You, Jesus, Hallelujah, Praise You, Father"! Her joy is so contagious! I can't wait.

Today I am going to visit my 4th grade friends in Graham's class. Me and my friend Kelly are doing fluency for them today. I am excited for this because it's been about a month since I've done that for them. I miss having one on one time with them.

The little guys had a great time at their game last night. I will post some pictures tonight, or try to, at least. They are so precious out there on the field. And my little Noah slammed that ball last night. I was so proud. Jonah did great at stopping the ball~if only the kid he threw to had been paying attention! We have mostly young kids on our team, so the older ones will be the ones to carry them. There was this one poor little girl who cried the whole time. She kept wailing, "I want my mommy!" She thought everyone was yelling at her, but in fact we were cheering her on. Poor baby.

Oh, well, I need to get off of here and run to the bank. I hope you all have a fanTABulous day. I love you all, in the sweet name of Jesus, and am praying for you.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I am stopping by to give you a big welcome to the SITSahood! I know it's a little belated, but I'm making every effort to catch up to all of our new members. It's a great community and I hope you enjoy being a part of it. Glad to have you and look forward to seeing you around!


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