Wednesday, April 15, 2009

HuMp DaY hAs ArRiVeD!

You have no idea how bad I need this week to be over. Actually, the next 5, but who's counting? We're down to like 22 days left of school, only 5 more Mondays! Thank You, Lord! I am so bad every year at this time~everyone usually is, but man I have major spring fever every April. Just give me my family and uninterrupted time together, and I'll be fine.

TCAPS were uneventful today~much easier today than yesterday. Today we did math. And I mean "we". It's as hard on me as it is the kids because I have to sit through the whole blasted thing! AUGH! Why did I agree to proctor? Because I was needed, nevermind. At least we're halfway through!

I am so glad tonight is church, I need some time with Jesus so bad. My dad once told me that going to church on Wed. night was like going to the gas station to fill your tank with gas. Jesus fills me back up each Wed. night, and if I miss that then I feel empty. Plus, you get a yummy cheap dinner with family and friends, and you get to visit with all your other friends during practice. Choir practice, that is. It's so much fun.

On another note, I am so thankful for the friends I saw at the school today who volunteer their time. Heather in the cafeteria with me EVERY SINGLE MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY WITHOUT FAIL: God bless you. You do not know what I would do if you stopped. You make it more fun on the days when you're there, too. I appreciate you so much!!! And my friend Karen in the health room this afternoon~she is so great with those kids. And Phyllis, for coming and volunteering in the health room every month as well. God love you all. You make our life easier...I can honestly say that since I am now on the other side! You are all much appreciated.

Well, I gotta run and get my babies and get us all filled back up for the remainder of the week. Love to you're all in my prayers today!


  1. NO SERIOUSLY, THANK YOU!!! Especially for the 2 extra days you're working in that one week! God love your sweet little heart! Whatever would you do without my kids' school to help keep you busy?!?!?! Maybe enjoy your time?

  2. I have the most handsome nephews in the entire world. I have to have one of these pics. Seriously! I just love it. So glad the bruises are gone. I miss you too! I maybe coming home in a few weeks, just me and Olivia Nicole. the guys have a Lacrosse tournament.



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