Saturday, April 25, 2009

Blessed Spring

Baseball, anyone? So this is what it's all about, right sweet babies playing some baseball. I told you~it's ridiculous how much joy this brings to me. Seriously. They have so much fun. My one complaint is that it just doesn't last long enough. I would love for it to last 2 months, instead of just one. Graham's and Drew's lasts 2 months, but they're older, so I guess that's the difference. Speaking of them...their first game was cancelled. I am so dissappointed. So were they. They still had to show up at practice in full uniform just in case, but, it was pretty much cancelled. So Todd took them to practice, Jonah and Noah are down at the neighbor's playing with Izzie, and here I sit in blessed silence. Ahhhh.

We went to my dad's last night. My sister Teri was here from North Carolina with her new husband, Wes, and we had dinner with them at Dad's and Sandy's last night. It was a lot of fun. We had the best chicken spaghetti EVER and bean salad and rolls. Yum. With cherry pie and chocolate oatmeal cookies for dessert. The boys had a blast playing outside. Todd played catch with them all 4 {which was a sight to behold because every time he threw the ball to a different child, he had to change the way he pitched}, and they played frizbee, and kickball, they chased bugs, they had a flashyard bug hunt{they were looking for lightning bugs, but it was too early}, they plum wore themselves out. It was like 70 degrees at nine o'clock at night. It was beautiful. That was probably the highlight of my entire week.

Teri and Wes head back today. I love that woman. I always forget how much fun she is until she comes back home, and you just pick right up where you left off the last time. She is very different~she definitely marches to the beat of her own drummer, but that's the appeal of her to me. She doesn't care what anyone thinks~she just does her own thing. I say this because her trademark is her hair~it's past her rear end. She wears it in this long braid down her back. Anyway, we had such a great time catching up. The last thing Graham said to her was, "So, we'll see you in another year, right?" I died laughing. Talk about making someone feel bad. She replied, "Well, I hope it's sooner than that." It's usually at least that long, sometimes longer. This time it's been about 18 months since I last saw her.

Anyway, I'd better get off this thing if I want to get anything at all accomplished before the t~ball game at noon. I hear laundry calling my name, it seems to be getting louder. So, I hope to see you at some point this weekend...if I don't, then have a blessed weekend with your family. Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious Graham said that, Out of the mouth of babes. I bet Terri was just laughing.

    I miss you,


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