Monday, March 16, 2009

What Was Your Weekend Like?

I have to start off by saying that my dear Daddy amazes me. He (& Sandy) got back from Israel at around 8:30 Friday morning. I imagine that he went home, unloaded and unpacked, probably showered, then he might have sat down for a bit and rested. He left home pretty quickly after that, and came to Collierville. He and Trish ate at McAllister's, then they came over here. He stayed here until almost 5, then went home. I don't know if they went out to eat or not, but I asked him if he went to bed at seven, and it was more like nine before he laid down. Repeat that for Saturday night, as well. Dad is almost 77 years old! He was at church yesterday morning and last night, on top of all that. He held up much better than I would have! It's exhausts me just thinking about it.

So Friday night, Todd worked for the sheriff's department, and I had a friend over. :) The older boys had a 15 minute evaluation for baseball, so we did that, then went to Game Stop and Target. I had promised the boys that I would take them to spend some of their birthday money. It was almost 7 by then, so we grabbed a couple pizzas and came home. Christa and Asher the superdog came over and hung out with us. Until 1am. I haven't stayed up that late in a long time. We had so much fun!

Saturday we did absolutely nothing, I didn't even make the beds. Well, I guess I did do something~I took Graham and Noah to get hair cuts. Then we just laid around being lazy the rest of the day. We went to a wedding that night, then to the reception, so that was our fun for that day. And Sunday was the same as always...I taught Sunday school for the kindergarteners (which I'm glad is over because I always stress about it).

Wow, well written down it doesn't look like much. The boys all had a blast yesterday afternoon, we swapped kids with a couple at church. Hannah came home with Jonah and Noah, and Graham and Drew went home with them. Hannah is precious, and the three of them together look like triplets. Typical blond hair, and blue eyes. It's always fun having a little girl around, too. Different, but fun.

Today we're at home for most of the day...I have a couple of mountains of clothes to wash, then I need to go grocery shopping. Really bad, I mean. No milk, no eggs, no bread, no chips, no other snacky things~and with spring break I need snacks for my growing boys!!!! Graham is having his sleepover tonight and I believe has 4 friends coming. It should be fun, it's a great group of guys. I'm excited for him, he's been really looking forward to this!

So this week is wide open. Well, almost. I do have plans for a couple days, but still, I love no plans. There are so many options and all this time. I plan on taking the older boys to a movie they want to see~Return to Witch Mountain, or something like that. I thought while I did that, Todd could do something with the little guys. Have I ever mentioned how much Jonah hates going to movies???? Well, he does. Even if this were the kind he could see, which it's not.

Well, I'll stop rambling now, and go get a jumpstart on those mountains of clothes waiting to be washed. Fun, fun! Happy Monday!

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