Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jonah & Noah!!!

God changed our lives when He gave us Jonah and Noah. We had thought we were finished having kids, but God had other plans. I will never forget the day I found out I was having twins...I'd scheduled an appointment with an ultrasound because I was really getting big pretty fast. I went alone, because third pregnancy, third child, been there done that, right?! I about fell off the table when I saw those 2 little heart beats on the monitor. I was terrified, and excited all at once.

I called Todd when the appointment was over and told him my due date. I think my words were, "My due date is March 29th, but since there's 2, it'll probably be a couple weeks before that." Silence. Complete and utter silence. I ended up having to ask him if he was still there, and I'm pretty sure he mumbled something incoherent to my ears. Those seven months were the longest (and shortest!) months of my life. I could not wait to get my hands on my sweet little babies.

Eighty (ninety?) pounds, seven months and 14 pounds of babies later, I held them in my arms for the first time. I remember looking at them for that first time and thinking, "Who do I look at first? And for how long? I don't want the other one to feel left out!" Yup, crazy thoughts. Must have been all that delightful happy drug they'd put in my spine. I was giddy. Well, sort of. Graham was terribly sick when I had them~he was home suffering from strep throat. And his birthday (4th) was the very next day. And he got even sicker that next day. It was a rough week.

My life has been a whirlwind of emotions since that day, six years earlier. I always thought I would call them my "babies", but they tell me they are now big boys. I love how they still hug each other before they leave each other's, for instance, Jonah took a book to Noah's class today and started to leave, but Noah held his arms out and made him come back and hug him. I pray they will forever remain that close. They are very protective of each other, too, and I pray that never changes either. These little guys have brought me huge joy. They have been so much fun to raise and experience the whole "twin thing", as I like to say.

They are definitely different than a single child...and one I will forever be thankful for. I cherish each moment and I embrace their differences and their similarities. I thought my heart was going to break when they were separated at school this year, but they have overcome all their fears and insecurities without each other. It's been a good experience, but a sad one. I will never have those days back. One of my favorite memories is of them walking downstairs one morning holding hands. I asked them why they were holding hands and Jonah said, "It's because we're best friends and we love each other." My heart swelled up huge within me. I have loved every single second that God has given me. Thank You, Lord, for my family~all of them.


  1. Actually our conversation the day we found out they were twins went like this...

    Jennifer:"Well the due date is March 28th but since there is two of them it will probably be sooner"

    Me:(stuttering)"Did you just say since there is two of them?"

    Jennifer:"Yeah and if you ask me if I am kidding, I will smack you when you get home!"

    Total shock on my part!!!

  2. You didn't have to reveal my dark side. Was that really necessary? :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes I did have to clarify how it went down! ;)


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