Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday??? Already???

I love short weeks. I mean L~O~V~E them. For some strange reason I woke up at 5:30 this morning. I started to get back in bed but decided against it and hopped in the shower instead to assure that I would stay awake! That is my problem, I can wake up early, but give me a comfy chair, and I'm back in la~la land. Go figure. Of course I didn't sit this morning once I went downstairs. I packed lunches and snacks times 5 and cleaned out the boys' backpacks.

And let me just tell you what I found in my darling Jonah's backpack. I found 1 stuffed little doggie, 1 stuffed bluebird (that he is planning to give to his sweet little friend, Abby), 2 suckers, 1 pack of candy, chapstick, his hat & gloves, some little teddy bears that he gets in the cafeteria for being good, a rock or 4 and his valentine that he made me at school. That kid is crazy. And his teacher allows him to be. He loves taking show & tell, and he has to have a stuffed friend in his backpack at all times. It's his lifeline to home. Or to me. :)

Graham and Noah's bags were okay, just the normal empty snack bags, water bottles and pieces of trash. But Drew's? Ummmmm, no. His was bad. He always carries at least 4 rocks that he finds on the playground everyday. He had 1 "crystal" (as he likes to call it), several snack items I'm pretty sure I didn't put in there, lots (LOTS) of trash and some more little "treasures". Oh, my kids. I will miss these days when they're gone. I think. No, I will. I love how they bring me goodies. Kind of like a cat bringing its owner a dead bird. They do love me, and there will come a day when they will outgrow this. :(

I am ready for work~at least in appearance. Not so in any other way. My stomach hurts. So much so that I almost called in, but I'm going to chance it and see how it goes. And I'm not ready for Graham's class at lunch. They're trying to figure out who did something really bad in their class. I'm pretty sure I know the culprit (not who you think, probably) and am sad about it. I think it was unintentional. I feel like it was done to show off more than anything, but in the meantime, the action requires punishment. Which means no more fun lunches for my sweet little Graham. This doesn't come from me, either, but straight from admin.

Well, if you think of it, say a prayer over my stomach. I think it's what I had for dinner last night...pretty sure it's really bad heart burn. I'm going to go find some antacid before I leave. Love to all!


  1. Hayden was like that collecting rocks all the time. His backpack would be full of rocks. We still have them. Boy, I sure do hate cleaning out their backpacks though. And as they get older, (high school)you do need to clean out their bags because they forget to give you stuff! (or give picture money to the school)

  2. I have a rock jar on my mantel that is full. I need another one! That's one thing I will always have!!! I bet it does get harder...I've heard that getting anything out of them is like pulling teeth out of an elephant,so I'm sure that applies to their bags (sacred territory)!!! Keep on handing down the tips for older kids...I'll take all I can get!!! I hate I didn't get to talk to you at lunch today, it was crazy in the cafeteria!!! We had a couple of little "incidents". :)

  3. Hey! Thanks for stopping by Tater Tales!

    I was so surprised to open your blog and find out it's YOU!!! :) How funny!

    Once you get hooked on this blogging thing, it's hard to stop, isn't it? I had no idea.

    I see that you're a Boo Mama fan. Here's a little piece of trivia. Boo Mama (Sophie) was my sorority big sister at Mississippi State, and she is just as funny in "real life" as she is on her blog. The Sophie that you read is the Sophie that you would meet. Her brother and sister-in-law live here, so she's in and out of Memphis fairly often.

    Maybe Tater Tot and I will see you up at the school the next time we're visiting. :)

  4. That is so cool~I just recently found her and Big Mama's blog. I love them both. She is hilarious~they both are. I wondered if they knew each other, b/c they're kind of similar. Oh, and yes, this blog thing is wayyy too addicting! I'm in the cafeteria @ the school, so look for me! I'd love to see you in person!!!


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