Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pity Party

So, yes, I am normal, and have these moments of major pity on myself. Like this morning, for instance. I'm right in the middle of a wonderful pity party for myself when I get an email from my stepmom, Sandy. In this perfectly timed email, she tells me that our God is awesome, and in all things He reigns. That even though I may have to strain my eyes to see good in this right now, that good will come from this. I just started boohooing. Talk about an eye opener. God is good, and He does care for me during this time!!!

Though this isn't a major trial I'm going through, I'm very uncomfortable in this boot and my back is already killing me from walking so unevenly. So, if you would like to, I am asking you to pray for me. I am really trying not to whine and complain (I can't stand those kinds of peeps and SHO don't want to be one, plus, what does it accomplish??? Z.I.L.C.H.). God is good, all the time. And to HIM be the glory in my ankle issue. Thank you, Sandy, for your much needed encouragement this morning. Have a blessed Wednesday, and love to all.


  1. Yes, there is a God Who reigns up in Heaven! That's what I had on my status this morning. I still remember what it is like to have a bum foot. After a while you will adjust and I pray it will be soon. See ya tomorrow and look forward to it being a better day for you.
    Bunches of love.

  2. I am catching up on the blog...I am sorry you hurt your foot. Are you working? Is that making it worse? UGGGG!!! What can I do for you? Make more cookies??? =) Love ya Girl! Hope today is better!

  3. Thank you day got sooooo much better. The back issue still is a problem, but I'll deal with it. I am still working, Katie, that's probably what started the whole issue. It's an alignment issue in my feet and I will need to wear arch supports in my shoes from now on. Thank the LORD that I caught it and don't have to have surgery. The doc. said I could continue to work, that the boot is keeping my ankle immobile. Luckily at the school, they're all being extremely supportive and have told me I can take off when needed, or whatever. I feel blessed. I'm fine, girl, thanks a million!!! Love you!


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