Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Little Jonah Bug

My baby is home with pink eye today. Poor little thing. He woke up and with his eye squinted shut and said, "Mom, I think there's something wrong with my eye." And thus began our morning. I put him up on the kitchen counter, washed my hands, and resumed packing snacks and lunches for this semi~gorgeous Wednesday morning. I finished and looked for the eye drops and found them! And put them in his eyes. Hopefully he'll be good enough for school tomorrow. I think the rule is that after 24 hours of being on the drops, he's good to go back.

So what are we going today? Well, first off, I'm always thankful for a day at home with one of my angels. They are few and far between, and we don't get much one on one time, so that's always nice. We're going to thoroughly enjoy our time together. I do need to run to Target for some more of Jonah's medicine (more about that in a second), and I need to return some library books. We'll probably get some more while we're there. Also we may see if I can find a copy of a book that Drew needs for book club.

Okay, as for Jonah's medicine, I may not have shared this, so here goes. Jonah, as of six months ago, was still wetting the bed at night. Drew did the same thing as a 5 year old. I was thinking that what Drew had, Jonah had. But that's not the case. Drew had to have minor surgery at age 5 to enlarge the urethra (sp??). It wasn't large enough and he never emptied his bladder. Jonah, it turns out, has an overactive bladder. His urethra is fine, turns out, and we were so thankful. The doctor told Todd about some oral medicine that he wanted to try with him to see if it helped the problem at all. And it has! He's been on it for almost three months now, and he's able to actually hold it~and he doesn't have to go as frequently. It has also been several weeks since Jonah's wet the bed. I think he's had one accident during two months, and that was because he drank too much water before bedtime.

During this whole finding out what was going on process, during two seperate ultrasounds, they have discovered that it seems as if Jonah was born with just one kidney. GASP! I can almost hear you all doing that as you read this. This is NOT a big deal at all, since lots of people survive with just one kidney. What this does mean is that it's enlarged, so he may have to be more careful with some sports, than other kids. He'll probably never play something like tackle football or ice hockey.

And by the way, I have not actually been told any of this by a doctor, I have just researched it on the computer. It does make sense, though, and I do plan on talking to his doctor about it someday~if I can remember. So far I have not remembered. Todd's taking him back to the urologist in a couple months for a re~check, and we can discuss it then. None of this is absolutely for sure, although the ultrasounds do seem to point that way. I am not worried about this at all~lots of people go through something similar, and this is actually pretty common, according to what I read on the internet.

Moving on to other things now, Jonah has been a busy little bug this morning. He's made a gift for his special friend, Abby and a card. She told him yesterday that she didn't like anybody in their class anymore, and he insisted on making her a gift and card to cheer her up. Is that a little man, or what??? Learned that from his daddy, that smart little guy!!! So, below are some pics as to what he's been up to. Cutie pie.

And I did not help him one single bit. He did it all by himself. Check out the detail on the girl's face on the front. I love how he made her face. And I love how he signed his name!! I'm so proud!!! Well, love to all and HaPpY wEdNeSdAy!!!


  1. You are so right. How funny that you said I would gasp. I DID! God Love little Jonah for his own beautiful Kidney! Love your Blog! Patty

  2. You crack me up! It is beautiful isn't it??? Bless his little heart! Thanks for the compliment...this is my favorite hobby!!! I'm obsessed with it, or close to, anyway. I love yours too...I love living vicariously through your hypochondriac~ness, and fun travel times. Or is that facebook? I can't keep them straight! Love ya girl!


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