Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Saturday!

Look at my sweet little Noah! We were in the middle of our weekend project (more about that in a minute) last night, and I realized I hadn't seen or heard from Noah in a while. I came back downstairs to check on him, and this is what I found. Him and Jonah had been playing with all their webkinz animals, and apparently Noah just passed out surrounded by all of his! This is what a long week of kindergarten does to an almost 6 year old!
Weekend project? We (now no one pass out when they read this) painted Graham's and Drew's closet last night. GASP! Todd designed and is installing a new closet organization system for the older boys today. I am so excited!!! I love this kind of stuff! Anyway, since the closet had to be emptied out, I decided we should just go ahead and paint it, since it's never been done in the 5 years we've been here. Actually, from the look of it, it looks as if it hasn't been painted since the house was built back in the 80's. It was pretty bad. I'll post some pics of it all, once it's completed.

Right now, I'm sitting in quiet. Todd and the boys went to a pancake breakfast fundraiser for their school. They're raising money for some additional playground equipment. I opted not to go. I'm not that big of a breakfast eater (unless it's at night), and I can always use some quiet in my day. I don't get it that often.

Other than the project I mentioned, that's about all we have planned for today. Well, that and our weekly dinner with Nana & Big Daddy. :) That's one of the highlights of my weeks. I get to go over there and just sit. Ahhhh, blessed grandparents.

I hope you all enjoy your Saturday. Love to all!!!

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