Monday, February 9, 2009

HaPpY mOnDaY

It is going to be a fabulous week, I just know it. First off, the weekend was too good for this not to be an amazing week. Second, God is good and He loves us. Period. Actually that one is number one. Third, after Friday, we have a loooonnnnng weekend! Two whole days off next week. One for President's day, one for teacher in service. So it's going to be a fabulous week.

First on my agenda today is laundry!!! Well, in that case, I really shouldn't be on the computer, should I?? I just packed lunches and snacks for the day, though, so I thought I deserved a treat. Anyway, aside from my job @ CES, and volunteering for Drew's class in the mornings, the only other thing I'll be doing there this week is hanging out in Jonah's class. I love those kids. They're all so funny and cute. So are the ones in Noah's class, but the kids in Jonah's class have such funny personalities. It's hilarious. I'd love to be a fly on her wall on any given day.

We had church last night!!!! And "church" in this sentence is definitely a verb! It was awesome! We had a concert of praise, and we had so much fun!!! I love nights like that. It's really awesome~and this guy Cory gave his testimony, then sang "Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone", and I just could not stop crying. It was amazing!!!

Okay, well, I really must get off here now. I need to go start my day....until to all!!!

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