Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nothing Much

I'm actually home before 4:00! Woo hoo! I have been at the school just about all day, so far everyday this week. It's nice to be home in the quiet. Well, semi~quiet, anyway; my neighbor is having something very LOUD done for their yard. It's a little distracting, I gotta admit. So, I'm home, and thought I would blog. Why not? All the posts have been so boring lately, but what can I say, January is a very boring month. This is the month I get the blah's.

However, after reading Beth Moore's blog, (to read about it yourself, you can get there from the link on my blog) I feel very blessed. She asked for specific prayer requests regarding finances, due to the bad economy. As I read what people responded with, I was just so humbled. I couldn't read it, and not utter a 'thank You Lord, for Your provision'. People need to sell houses, need jobs, need money for their small companies to come in (HELLO~that one hits home for us personally), can't meet their bills this month, you name it, they all need help right now.

Times are so tough for everyone right now. It's not a field of roses for us, but we do not go without anything. We have a nice, warm home, food on the table, cars that drive well (well, the suburban will after Todd gets done fixing it, anyway~more about that later), clothes, and most importantly our health. We have all of that. My pastor quoted some statistic one time that said if you have any money whatsoever in a bank account, then we are among the wealthiest people in the world. This is so close to my heart right now~that we have so much "stuff", while other people in other parts of the world don't even have a decent roof over them at night. We are a blessed people, us American's, and I think it's time for us to remember that. We should be thankful for what we have, yes, but more importantly, for WHO gave it to us.

I think this is why I love missions time each year at our church. For those of you non Assembly of God folks, it's one week a year, in October, that is spent hearing missionairies from all over speak. Our church does this hugely~we do support them monetarily, but we also support them in prayer. I love these people, and I have this burning desire in my heart to know more about it....maybe even to go there and to be a part of something, even if only for a couple weeks. I want to go on mission trip so bad, I can taste it. I don't want to just go and visit, though. I want to go and get my hands dirty. I want to feel the little arms of children around me, I want to hear them sing, I want to serve them. God has placed this within me, I know, and my prayer is that I will get to do exactly this someday. I love the song by Casting Crowns that states, "If we are the body, why aren't His hands reaching? Why aren't His hands healing? Why aren't His words teaching? And if we are the body, why aren't His feet going? Why is His love not showing them there is a way? There is a way..."I want to be His hands and His feet, and I want His words to come out when I speak.

I have a friend who I work with who went to Zambia, Africa for two weeks right before Thanksgiving. She came back a changed woman. I grilled her every chance I got when she first came home, and when I saw her pics up on FaceBook, I just cried. Those sweet little babies over there just poured themselves out on her while she was there, and they made her this bracelet for her to wear when she left so she'd never forget them. As if she could. It made her almost mad when she came back to work, and saw how ungrateful these kids are today. Literally, today...the amount of food they sweep up off the floor is atrocious. I think I've heard that our garbage disposal gets more food than all the third world countries. She got over the mad part, but the memories of Zambia will never leave her.

I didn't mean to get started on this, and it started off totally in another way, but the whole point was this: we need prayer. Our country, her leaders, her NEW leaders, and our situations in our personal lives. Everyone has been affected by the economy in some way, and I like what these verses have to say about it:

Isaiah 33:6 He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge, the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure.

I also like 1 Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.

He will be that for us...our firm foundation, and He will take away all our cares and worries. He really will...He wants to...just ask and believe, and it will be done.

Oh, and about the 'burban...this morning I dropped the boys off at school and noticed the heat, which had been blowing warm, began blowing cold. This also happened Sat. night, so Todd told me what to watch for if it happened again. So I noticed that the thermostat gauge was going up...and up and up and up. The car was overheating. I was not in a place where I could pull over immediately, but as soon as I could, I stopped and pulled over. I tried revving the engine a few times, but to no avail. That had worked for Todd on Sat. by the way. So I turned off the car completely and just sat in it for 5 minutes...I was also parked right in front of someone's house. The whole time I sat there, I prayed. The owner of the house was at the front window, just staring at me. Probably wondering what in the world this crazy woman with the wild hair was doing sitting in her car, talking to herself. So I started the car up again, and it worked. The thermostat went back down to where it should have been and I made it the rest of the way home. See? Give all your worries and cares to God...

Anyway, Todd was able to come home early and switch cars with me so he could try and fix the problem. However, when he changed the thermostat, it was still overheating. So he's now in the process of getting the radiator flushed...I am probably butchering this, but I know it's at least something very similar. I'm a girl, I don't know these things. Anyway, hopefully that will take care of the problem. It was a fun morning at my house. =)

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