Thursday, January 15, 2009

Me & My Drew

We're upstairs watching tv b/c the downstairs tv is being controlled by someone else, and I don't like the show. I came up to watch President Bush's farewell speech, but missed it. I canNOT believe I missed that. I am furious with myself.

The man was not perfect, but the two things I loved most about him are the things I will miss the most. He loved God, and he loved our country. He had pride in his country, I should say. I will miss his gentle humility, and the way his eyes twinkled when he smiled. I just want to be his friend, ya know? And his wife, oh his wife. What an amazing, inspiring woman. She devoted her life to her husband, children, and other people's children by speaking up on literacy, or lack thereof. I am definitely sad to see them go.

I am going to have to find his speech on the internet somewhere, surely someone will have it up by now. Anyway, so here I am, typing, while Drew watches a show in the background. MAN, it is freezing out there!!! It's currently 20 degrees! I find it hard to believe that in some parts of the US, this is considered warm! Like in Alaska...I cannot imagine living there in the winter, although I would love to visit! My neighbor down the street is a guy I graduated from high school with, and his mom and step dad live there. Him, his wife and daughter go there all the time. I would love to go and visit there someday!

This is so random, once again, I'm just rambling. I don't really have anything exciting going on, and nothing out of the ordinary happened today, so that makes for a boring post. I will ask you to pray for our country with me...rough times are ahead, and we need all the prayers we can get! I have to go find my glasses now, my head is starting to hurt because my eyes are straining. Love to all and STAY WARM!!!!

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