Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy Monday and A Favor

I'm wondering why I'm sitting here with no kids in the living room with me, watching Sesame Street. I could have changed the channel once Clifford went off, but for some strange reason, I kept it on PBS. I love Clifford. Sesame Street? Not so much. I'm so excited about dad is coming over to take us to lunch. It's been ages since we've gotten to eat with him. Since September! He was so funny, once he found out that today was a school holiday and since his partner is taking off, he just thought he would just take off too!

I have no idea where we'll eat, although I'm sure it'll be someplace the kids want to go...I have a feeling it may be Osaka. They all love Japanese food. Yes, they are all my children. It's my favorite, as well. Poor little deprived children...yeah right! We do not eat out much~it's way too expensive. We did eat out with friends after church last night, though, and it was fun. The kids had a blast.

Tomorrow marks a historical day for all of us, and this is where the title came from. Will you all join with me in praying for our new President? No matter who we voted for~it doesn't matter. It's all water under the bridge, and God's word actually tells us to do this. I would quote, but I would either be taking away from or adding to His word and I don't want to do that. But it is Biblical for us to do this, I just read it back in November. I know it's somewhere in the Old Testament. Anyway, please join me in praying for him tomorrow. For him, his wife, and their two little girls. They have a long, tough road ahead of them~any President does~and they need all the prayer they can get. If we all stop for just one minute and do this tomorrow, we'll all be in agreement with each other, and that is when God moves!

I heard this on KLove...I did not come up with it on my own, but love the idea of us all being in agreement with each other. Moving on to other things; the kids are still asleep. So, since they are all still sleeping, I'm going to go and read my devotional and have some quiet time with the Lord. Love to all, and have a blessed day!!!


  1. Yes let's definatly pray for tomorrow!!!
    I just love KLOVE.
    I just thought of something cool. I'll be listening to KLOVE in SA and you'll be listening here!

  2. See? Friends even through distance. Thought about updating your blog lately??? Hmmmmm??? Hee hee hee, you know I love you, girl. If you change your mind about coming to Ben and Tammy's tomorrow night, I'd love the chance to see you!


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March Moments

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some favorite moments from this month. Can you believe we're at the end of March ...