Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Tuesday

We are having a wonderful day...everyone slept late, we've watched movies, cartoons, ate a picnic in the living room, stayed in the jammies, it's been so nice and relaxing. I am finally caught up on laundry, people! Do you know how major that is!?!?!?! You should have seen the mountain of clothes on the floor...it's taken me two days and about ten loads of washing to get it all to a manageable size.

So we're having this wonderful day, the kids are getting along, I even sat down to peace and quiet to read my Bible, but then I got a call from Mom. My sisters Lisa and Debi have a half sister named Angela who is 39 years old and has been both mentally and physically sick for a long time....as long as I can remember, almost. She died this morning. Their dad (Papa Jerry as so we lovingly call him) is in a really bad state right now. He talked to Angela every day of her life, and now here he is burying her. And Lisa, who takes on the weight of the world, is once again under tremendous pressure as she plans and organizes the whole funeral and burial. And Debi, who has experienced too many deaths to even count this year, is burying someone else.

It all goes back to the saying, "You think you've got it bad, but then you hear someone else's story." The grass is NOT always greener on the other side. Please pray for my family as you read this...my mom and I are scrambling to put together some meals for them for the next few days, since everyone will end up at Lisa's house at some time or another. Actually Mom is making the meals, I'm just giving her some ideas.

This will not be the same celebration of life that we celebrated when Mammaw passed away. Angela might or might not have been a Christian...only her and the Lord know that, but just having that doubt is going to really make this hard for everyone involved. Like I asked earlier, please pray for them all as they go through this difficult time.

On a brighter note, I'm listening to Jonah and Noah play with their sweet little friend, Ashleigh. Her older brother is Cameron, and him and Graham have been buds ever since they were 4 years old. I think it's cool that the little guys are following the friendship along with Ashleigh. Her mom Sharon is one of my very favorite people in the whole world. Sharon was the one that singlehandedly organized meals for my family after Todd had his surgery. We were well taken care of for 2 weeks. She's an amazing woman, one that I love dearly. I look forward to watching our kids grow up together. Anyway, we traded kids for the afternoon. Graham and Drew went to Cam's house, and Ash came over here to be with the twinks.

Well, I'm gonna go fold more laundry. Love to all...

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