Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thoughts On Our New President Elect

This is taken straight from God's word...which by the way in 2 Timothy 3:16 states that "All Scripture is God~breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness..." So you get the gist...not my thoughts, but the Lord's.

1 Timothy 2:1~8 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone~2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all men~the testimony given in its proper time. 7 And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle~I am telling the truth, I am not lying~and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles. 8 I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.

We had a really great choir practice last night~the thing I love about Music Man (a.k.a. Bob Geabhart) is that he really sets the stage. And by that, I mean he's great at leading into worship. He's soft spoken and mellow and just comfortable in God's presence. Some people are so intense that it's almost painful to watch or experience. Not so with Music Man~in his quiet, reserved manner, he just lays it all out. He starts with God's word and has this great way of bringing life to scripture.

Anyway, back to last night. So all of a sudden, Music Man just lays it all out; he basically said that the man that won was not who we wanted to win, but it was apparently who God had put in that new position, and that our job was not to complain and criticize, but to pray for him. His family, his safety, health, thoughts, mind, and surrounding cabinet members...and that we needed to pray that God would surround him with wise men who were discerning, and would be a help to Mr. O'Bama. (He's not president YET. When that times come I will address him as President.)

It was actually kind of strange because when I woke up yesterday morning, I was really struggling with the fact that he'd won. I felt kind of like God just squished me~all my hopes and dreams. BUT GOD did not do that...He just continued to carry out His plan, and this is His plan. So I asked God to help me~that I was questioning, and doubtful and to show me His plan in this. And you know what? He did~He laid on my heart almost word verbatim what Music Man said last night. It was so cool~I took that as the confirmation I was looking for yesterday morning. I don't know if I stated that in my entry yesterday morning, but I know I wrote it in my journal yesterday.

God is so good~even in times like these. He is our Hope, our Strength, our Rock, and our Redeemer. If we get anxious, we need to remind ourselves of this~and surrender the burden to Him~He wants to take away our worries. And He will. I am having a much better morning, needless to say. It was kind of weird hearing Music Man say what I really felt like God had already told me yesterday. Very cool. I love witnessing God. He really is all~powerful, all~knowing.

O.k. well if I want to be at work on time, I have got to get off here, although I could go on and on all day. I miss having more free time~I think I took advantage of it. Never again, though!!!


  1. Thanks, Jennifer. I really needed to hear that. I guess I should have tried to make it to rehearsal last night. I stayed home, however, because I had a hard time sleeping the night before and could barely keep my eyes open at work Wednesday. I was doing fine about all of this on Wednesday for most of the day. Then I was reminded again of his extremely liberal ideas-especially those regarding lives of the unborn. I went to bed last night feeling so low. Even though I know God is still in control, I am still struggling. I want to pray for the man but it is so, so difficult. I need help! Love you girl! I missed seeing you the other night at Bible study.

  2. Hey! I know how you feel~I lost sleep Tues. night, too. I woke up the same way on Wed. and was forced to ask God, "why?" I know He has a plan in this, but it was difficult for me to see. I asked Him to help me not doubt and wonder and question His motive behind all this. Then I heard what I said in the blog. Or felt it, maybe. I had so much peace when I went to sleep on Wed. night. I think what Bob said totally confirmed what I asked God to help me with. I'm glad this encourages you some~it's still hard, but my stepmom said she's made it through Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton~and that we can make it through O'Bama. =) Good point, huh? Love you girl~I missed Tues. night!!!


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