Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sick Day

I had to call in sick for the first time today. It seems that I've caught a little stomach bug from all the kids that have it at Collierville Elementary School. What nice little kids they are to share their sickness with me??? Actually, I knew it was just a matter of time~the other office lady, Erika, had the same thing and was there on Thursday. She called in on Friday with the same thing.

The good news is that it's not that bad. I have had much worse stomach bugs so this one really is not that bad. I was freezing last night and went to bed at 9:00~the same time as the boys~and after not being able to warm up in bed, I took a really long, hot bath. After that I went back to bed and read for a little while, and finally fell in a restless sleep. I was up and down most of the night. I was going to try to go this morning, but decided not to bother. I just don't feel good. I feel kind of blah.

You want to know something pathetic? I wish I was there. Sure I could be doing laundry~there are piles by the machine~but that'll keep. I could be cleaning, but for once don't feel like it...yup, I'm sick. I miss all my kids. It was really sad having Todd take them this morning and me staying here. However, I wasn't sad too long~I fell asleep right after that and didn't wake up for 2 hours. I'm watching Home Improvement now. There is NOTHING worth watching on daytime television.

The other thing I got sad about was the shows that are on right now. I was flipping through the 'guide' on cable, and I saw the Backyardigans, Diego, and some more shows that Jonah and Noah loved watching. And I wished that they were here with me so we could watch them together. I loved those days...cold days when we all stayed inside all warm and cozy, and letting them have fun watching whatever shows they wanted to while their big brothers were at school. Those days are forever gone now that they're in kindergarten. =( I just wish I could have all that time back. Looking back, I think I missed a lot~I wish I'd taken more time with them to play their favorite games, or taken them on more picnics~they could have gone on one everyday they loved them so much! I wish I'd taken them to the library more, or played outside with them more. I know that this stage in life seems endless~but take advantage of it all!! It's exhausting, but you have to admit, it's a good type of exhaustion you feel when your day is over.

I am blessed to be able to spend everyday with them now even though they're in school. That's why I enjoy their lunchtime. I love watching who they sit by and what they talk about. It's fun seeing them be so grown up. It's also bittersweet...for instance, yesterday Noah had to use the bathroom while he was eating lunch. I let him go, and though I usually have to stand and watch for them to come out, since it was Noah, I walked away. I just told him to go back to his seat when he was finished. Katie, his teacher, came to get her class and Noah was still in the restroom. I told her his tummy hurt, and she poked her head in there and asked if he wanted them to wait or go on back to class. He told her they could go on back to class and that he would come when he was done. That was so sad to me!!! He is such a big boy now...and I had to share that very private situation with someone else...his teacher. Man, am I sappy or what????

Well, I think I'm going to take another nap. I'm starting to feel sick again......


  1. Jennifer. This is so prescious. I love your writing so much! I just can't tell you how wonderful it is to read your thoughts and hear how much you deeply love those boys. What a gift they are to you. YOu are such a supermom and I really look up to your huge heart for your kids and how much you genuinely love them. what you said was so beautiful to me. It makes me so excited to have something like that of my own someday. I love you friend. I hope you feel better!

  2. Girl, these boys are my heart. I love to pieces...all moms do....it's just indescribable!!! They are such a gift to me, I try to cherish each and every day. I know that you will have this someday!!! And when you do, watch out Martha Stewart!!! You're going to be THE BEST wife and mom!!! Love you....

  3. Wow- there comes a day when you miss all the cartoons?? You must be sick. ha ha jk I am counting down the days until I can watch something normal again! Although, you're right- daytime tv is the worst. I hope you get feeling better soon!


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