Sunday, November 2, 2008

November??? Where did September and October Go???

I cannot BELIEVE it is November. I mean I witnessed Halloween the other night and all, but seriously, where did September and October go?? It seems like two days ago Jonah and Noah started kindergarten, and here we are almost to Thanksgiving! Don't get me wrong, I love this time of year, absolutely LOVE IT!! I am ready for Christmas!!!! Maybe not the actual day, just the parts leading up to it.

I am so thankful to have a healthy husband~it was almost a year ago that he had surgery. We were a little unsure of his health and what was going on, so I am thankful for his health. I was talking to my dad on Friday, and we were planning our annual trip to see the Zoo Lights the night after Thanksgiving. And he was talking about going ahead and putting all his thousands of lights up so they'd be ready to turn on Thanksgiving night. And I am ready to see my family from Tampa, and I am ready for some TURKEY AND DRESSING!!! We actually had some dressing last Monday night at my Mom's house. Y.U.M. That woman makes the most amazing dressing in the world. It's the perfect combination of spices and perfectly moist. I'm making myself hungry.

I am wanting to start some new traditions this year. One thing we've never even talked about with the kids (I never did this as a child, either) is Advent. I have no idea what it is, except for the fact that it's the time that leads up to Christmas. I would love to explore all that with the boys this year. Our annual traditions are Zoo Lights with Pappaw and Grandma Sandy, putting up our Christmas tree (we have an extra one this year!!!), going to our Christmas parade, Christmas parties with friends from church, the Christmas party after our program at church, going driving and finding our favorite Christmas light displays, last year we added Christmas carrolling, and watching Christmas movies and reading Christmas books. Yay!!!! Fast forward to after Thanksgiving.

We've had a great weekend...I had choir practice yesterday, Todd helped my friend Christa move, then we met up at home for a little while. Jonah and Noah had a birthday party to go to, then we went to Mom's and Bill's house. Today we brought home a boy named Luke from church, and Noah went to his friend Matthew's house. Jonah didn't feel good at the time and didn't want to go. This is their first time apart. =( Just about breaks my little heart. Jonah's in his element, though, outside playing with the big boys.

We came home and ate lunch and a friend called asking for the number to our mechanic's place. Her car was not running. My selfLESS husband went over there and fixed the car for her. And saved them money on the part they had to buy, thanks to his sherriff's department discount. What a man. I took a nap to hold down the couch while he did that. Hey, somebody had to. It's a rough job. I only got a short nap, but that's okay, it was still yummy.

We're about to leave again to go back to church. And after that we are off and running for this week. Hopefully I'll manage my time a little better and think ahead to what we're going to have for dinner this week. I know what we're having tomorrow night, and I'm working on the next few nights. I think I'm working a lot this week in the front office again, so I'd better start thinking about it now. Well, I have to run to get ready for tonight. Love to all!

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