Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 2 of Being Thankful

On this beautiful bright and cold morning, I find myself being thankful I'm warm inside, with a warm cozy bed to sleep in!

I'm thankful for healthy kids~Jonah is feeling better, but not just that. So many kids have so many different health issues, and here I have 4 boys that are perfectly healthy. Praise God.

I'm thankful for my home~kind of goes with the first one, but we are so blessed. I love my house. I told Todd when we bought this house I could see myself staying here forever. I love it. It's warm and cozy in the winter, and cool and breezy in the summer. It looks great in the full bloom of summer and even better with Christmas lights. But most of all, it looks the best when it's packed full of people.

I am thankful for our friends~God has blessed us with some incredible, very close friends. We have great support groups all around us, and lots of them are great as accountability partners as well.

I'm thankful this morning that God hears us when we pray. No matter where we are or what we say or how we say it, God hears. He doesn't always answer the way we want Him to, but He hears and delights in us speaking to Him. Isn't He amazing? So many of my prayer time is spent multi~tasking, but He doesn't care. As long as I just pray.

That's all I have time for....I'm off to get dressed for work. Jonah is better and my life is resuming normal....at least for a time such as this. Love to all!

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