Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday's Musings

As you can probably tell from the lack of blog postings, I've had yet another crazy week.  I'm recovering from whatever junk I had...and although I really didn't feel good on Monday, I really felt like I needed to go to work.  So I did, praise the LORD.  When I got there, they were soooo shorthanded.  They're still short one teacher's assistant, and both the gals that work in the front office were not there.  One was sick, the other had a sick child.  LC (my boss lady) asked me to stay yesterday and to come in this morning and work the office both times.  I obliged.  It's been YEARS since I've sat at a desk and answered the phone.  Some things you don't ever forget...it's true.  By ten o'clock today I had everything figured out...some by trial and error, some taught.  My phone voice came back very quickly.  And my ability to act like everyone's best friend while on the phone answering some RIDICULOUS question.  Seriously, people, have you nothing better to do than sit and complain????

So, while that was fun, I've been busy this week.  And so far it's not stopping, I have a full day tomorrow, and probably Thursday, as well.  I will have to make time to stop and make our Halloween dinner for Friday night, however.  And figure out something for dessert.  Unless someone reading this blog would like to make and bring dessert.  Or a couple bags of tortilla chips.  We're having chili made by my sister Lisa, and I'm making chicken tortilla soup.  Yum.  I just have to find a recipe for it.  If you have one, feel free to share it with me in the comment section.  One thing: it has to be like McAllister's chicken tortilla soup.  I don't want it tomato based, and so far that's all I've found on FoodNetwork.com.

I cannot wait until Friday night!!!  I am going to have, trick or treating with me, one clown, one injured soldier home from Iraq, one baseball player and one football player.  Guess who's going as what?  Well the clown is not hard to figure out...the one, the only, the amazing DREW!  Ha ha, laughing as I write that. Graham will be the injured soldier home from Iraq complete with a bleeding head wound, Jonah will be the football player and Noah is the baseball player.  It's simple.  We went with what we had, except for Drew's clown ensemble.  I bought him a wig and a red nose.  Aunt Trish bought him some glasses with a moustache, and I think he has some gadget he's going to carry~like a water squirter or something.  

I will be going as a tired mom.  Well, not really.  I'll be pumped up by then!  I'll load myself with good food and some caffeine, and I'll be fine.  We'll also be making our annual trip to the Haunted House in the Woods in Collierville.  Lots of caps there.  Sorry.  The Woods is a neighborhood down the road from us, and every year there's this house that puts on an amazing show for us all to see.  There's a graveyard, and usually some sort of chainsaw action going on.  The boys don't really go up to it, they just stand across the street and laugh.  

One year my sister and her husband Jim went with Todd and the boys...me and the little ones stayed behind.  Lisa went up to get some candy from the man standing at the front porch...he may have been dressed like a ghost or something, but she went to get candy because Graham and Drew wouldn't.  So when she got up there, she held open their bags for him, and next to him was a coughin with what she thought was a fake dead body.  The body jumped up and Lisa started beating the poor man half to death with one of the boys' goodie bags.  She was trying to put him seven feet under, as Medea would say.  Don't ask...if you haven't seen it, it's not worth the explanation.  I'm quoting my favorite movie of all time, The Diary Of A Mad Black Woman.

I'm thrilled that all this is falling on a Friday night this year.  I really think that trick or treating should occur on Friday nights every year.  It's too hard to have to try and get them all home and bathed and non~sugared by bedtime.  They've never gone to bed before 10 in years past...the deal was that they had to wake up "happy" the next morning.  And sometimes breakfast the next day consisted of....you guessed it.  Chocolate.  I know.  Sometimes I'm a really bad mom.  I've even been known to let them having chips for breakfast.  GASP.  Don't tell, okay?

As I write this, my kids are watching It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.  I love this show.  Thank you, Papa, for calling to tell us about it being on.  I didn't know.  Haven't had the t.v. on all day.  Can you tell?  Well, I'm going to go for now, Noah's asking me to read him a story.  And I am in need of some cuddle time with all my sweet babies.  Two of which are sitting in the floor playing Phase 10.  Can you guess which ones?  Good night.  


  1. I will try to bake a cake or some brownies. You shamed me into it. :-(
    You know I always bring something but usually it is the chips. Friday I should be home during the day so I can bake something.
    I love you!

  2. That would be marvelous, and either one is fine. However, as the mother of 5 chocoholics, I have to urge you to PLEASE BRING BROWNIES. They will love you more because of it. Thanks!!!

  3. I'm only the mother of 4 chocoholics, and the WIFE of one as well. That's where the 5 came from. Oops, my bad.


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