Sunday, October 5, 2008


I know I'm shocking you all....I haven't been very consistent with blogging.  I've been really sick.  Please pray for me tomorrow....I start working at Collierville Elementary School, and I am not quite back to myself yet.  Pray that I don't get sick again...that this medicine works, and does its job, but also that I will feel good tomorrow.  There are moments that I just feel blah.  Like I have fever, and that I'm going to just fall over.  I would really hate if that happened.  I would hate it even worse if I ended up with pneumonia.  I do NOT ever want that again.

We had a great time Friday night with our friends, and looking forward to next Friday night with them as well!  We'll be making our second annual trip to Tom's Pumpkin Patch for our hayride and bonfire.  The boys are soooooo am I!!!  I love me some fall and cool air!!!

Todd and I celebrated our twelth anniversary yesterday, and had such a nice time!  We spent our day apart the first part of the day...he helped a neighbor fix their car, and I ran around doing errands.  I anyone who knows me, that is very unusual for me on a Saturday.  I hate crowds.  I came home and watched a couple shows I had DVR'd, and watched part of a movie.  By that time, Todd was back from his hair cut, and I fell asleep on the couch while he watched football.  That was one of those "delicious" naps.  I almost forgot what day of the week it was, it was so good.  We ate dinner at Texas De Brazil....yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  Need I say more???  I don't think so, it was fabulous. 

We had church today, which was good, then I was back at four for a Christmas preview of our music.  I sang in church tonight with another couple, and I'm thrilled that I actually made it through the song....I just got the music, words and notes all on Wednesday, and let's just say that it was complicated.  I was also scared because of the breathing issues I've been having all week.  But God was faithful, and I was able to not only sing it...but also to hold all the notes.  Thank You, Jesus.  Todd said he prayed for me too, right before we started, and I really could feel the prayers.  

One more piece of good news....the earlier blog I posted about Tim and Tracy adopting their little Guatemalan Joseph...they left this morning, and they already have him!!!  Wiley (Todd's dad) got an email right before he came to church, and it was a picture of Tracy with Nathan and Joseph, and the short letter said that Joseph was doing great, and already saying Nathan.  He had a huge smile on his face....and when they ate together, he shared all his food with Tracy.  Praise do not know how hard we've been praying for an easy transition, and once again, God pulled through!!!  

I am so at peace right a troubling time in our world, I have peace that my God loves me.  I have faith in Him...I lay down all my needs at His feet daily, and He takes them.  There are times when I'm a little fearful over our world right now....but then I remember Who is in charge.  And He is...He has us in the palms of His hand.  If only we take Him up on His offer of letting Him handle our lives.  He will, if we give Him that chance...then, He not only takes our burdens away, He wants to take them.  He created us to love Him, and what blessings He gives to those of us Who live for Him!  Psalm 109:30 says, "With my mouth, I will greatly extol the Lord; in the  great throng, I will praise Him."  Psalm 136:1 says, "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!  For His mercy endures forever!"

I feel like I could preach...I won't, but trust me when I say that God is good.  He is more than good....He is faithful, and just, and His love is more than I can imagine.  I urge you....I plead with you....if you have anything you are worried about, anything you feel bad about....we all do from time to time.  Just this morning, in church no less, I had to plead with God to take away my judgmental thoughts about someone.  Whatever you have a need for, give it to God...He'll take it.  He wants to take it...His word says, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."  Matthew 11:28-30 is where you can read that for yourself.  What do you have to give to Him this week?  I challenge you to turn it all over to Him...our Lord and Savior.  You have nothing to lose, but His blessings to gain.  


  1. Jennifer,

    It's your Siesta, Charla! I just had to comment and say "thank you" for your post today. I especially was happy to read your urgings to give God our worries. I am really struggling with this right now in our infertility struggles. Thank you for sharing!

  2. p.s. I hope you are feeling better and I know you will bless all at CES.

  3. She sang beautiful tonight. She sounded as though angels were singing. I love you baby! Lets make it another twelve years and i will decide at that time if i will keep you...J/K.


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Share 4 Somethings (#2 of 2025)

  Happy Saturday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to join in with us for this month's Share 4 Somethings, where we'll talk ...