Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday AGAIN???

I have yet to figure out where my time goes. And I have yet to figure out how I ever get anything accomplished. My house is straight right now....not clean, but straightened, there is a difference. I got up at 7am this morning and hit the floor running. I tackled the HUGE mountain of laundry before I even made lunches. Dognabit, I HATE it when I don't do laundry all weekend. Hence the mountain I had to hike over to get to the washer and dryer. Hopefully by tonight my house will be clean. I'm going to get the boys to help me again...they did this last week to pay for their "treats" I'd bought them at Chucalissa village.

Anyway, back to my dilemma. Since I've been working the past few weeks, I haven't quite gotten into a routine of my day. I have really got to start getting up earlier so I can be dressed when I take the boys to school. As it is right now, I don't do that until after I get home from taking them. So the valuable time I have to myself in the morning is spent getting ready. I could start using that time to do more laundry or clean, or whatever else needs to be done. Before I know it, it's time to go.

The other thing that is flying by are my weeks. They are CRAZY!!! I realize when Monday comes, but before I know it, it's Friday. And the weekend? Forget those...they fly by as well. So, I say all this to remind myself to slow down and appreciate the time I have with my family. One of my favorite nights has become Thursday night...a.k.a. family movie night. That seems to be the best night for the boys to watch a movie and stay up a little later than usual. And they LOVE it. Last week we watched Flubber, who knows what it'll be this week.

Well, I've wasted time here, so I really need to go!!! You'll hear from me again soon, I promise. Love to all.

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