Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just Thoughts

Good morning! Do you ever wake up and just KNOW that the day is going to be beyond unbelievable??? In a good way, I mean. I woke up with that thought this morning~I could not WAIT to jump out of bed and spend some time with my God this morning. I was totally refreshed last night at Bible study, I think we ALL were, and we had church up in Christa's house!! It was incredible!!! I don't think I've ever experienced anything that personal from God...He gave me a little bit of knowledge last night.

That may sound weird to some of you, so let me explain. We were listening to a cd, each of us in our own quiet spot, just spending time in prayer and stillness before Him. I always doubt what I feel in my heart...I think it's God, and then my SELF will be saying, "No, that's not God, it's you." So, being a tad doubtful, I asked God to reveal Himself to me, just a little bit so that I wouldn't doubt anymore. And right after I prayed that, the man singing on the cd said something along the lines of, "God wants to reveal Himself to YOU tonight." I kid you not. How would that seem to you? It was weird to me too, if that's what you're thinking. I've NEVER experienced anything like that before. So, I took that and today I am rejoicing in that knowledge that He knows my every thought even before I do. It's humbling to know that the God of our universe loves and cares for us that much.

Anyway, I woke up KNOWING today was going to be amazing, and so far it has! I'm about to have to get dressed for time is quickly running out, but I have so much more to say! I feel a two post day coming on, people!! I hope you are all blessed and encouraged today~I hope you can get away to a little quiet spot of you own, and spend sometime in stillness before Him. Last night the verse was, "Be still and know that I am God." I love that verse...I am praying for you all today. Much love!!!

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