Thursday, October 23, 2008

I Cannot Wait Until Friday

I can honestly say that statement without shame.  It's been a week.  I refuse to say b*d, but it's been a week.  There is this one little friend I have in kindergarten (not in my kids' classes, thank the LORD) that wasn't there today.  When his teacher came out of the lounge, she looked at me as if to say, "Good?  Okay?  Bad?"  And I gave her a thumbs up.  When I told one of the TA's how good they'd been minus that one child, she said this: "He's not here because he's been suspended for the SECOND time."  You could have knocked me down with a feather.  Kindergarten?  Suspension?  Twice???

How sad is that?  Poor child...I've come to the conclusion that if your child is undisciplined, it's due to a lack of caring on the parent's part.  Or maybe even it's a lack of love.  I mean, who doesn't get upset at their kids' behaviour?  I know I'm always mortified to hear something bad about one of my kids.  It's just embarassing, and I feel it's a bad reflection on me.  I've been asked by his teacher to pray for him~apparently he has either no family life, or a bad one, and I think it's sweet of her to even ask me to pray.  Sadly, some teachers just don't care about their students, but this lady is not one of them.  When I told her today that her class had a great day, her reaction was astounding.  She said, "Great???  Wow!!!"  Enough said on her class.

I've broken up fights this week, calmed crying kids, consoled them over losing their tooth at the table, just about rubbed my fingers raw from opening ketchup, assigned AB Patterns at the kindergarten tables, listened to someone badmouth me the second I turned around, almost got food thrown on a couple times, slid and just about busted my rear end, wiped up spilled milk off the table, off a child, off me, listened to a child complain about how my kid bugs her and she can't stand the sight of his face (Brooklyn and Graham), lectured on how to stand in a straight line, on how to be nice to your fellow classmates, on how we shouldn't use certain words in life or at the table, just to name a few (a very few) examples of what I do every day.  Add to that the stuff I do at home everyday, at the end of the day, I am beat.  Maybe it won't be this bad forever.  I keep on thinking that eventually I'll get used to being gone all day.  Maybe.  Maybe now.  Who knows?

I think I'll stop for now.  I don't want you to get the wrong idea about how I feel about my job, I really do love it.  The turkeys.  Just joking, they're not...well, not all of them.  I'll be glad for the weekend.  I do great all week, but there's just something about Thursday that gets to me every week.  Plus it's a rainy, cold night.  I need some coffee and a good book.  Doesn't that sound yummy?  Jonah just asked me to write, "Jonah For Mayor".  Go figure.  Bon Soire. 


  1. Are all those mean little children you are talking about in Kindergarten?? Your stories reminded me of how much I don't miss working in after school care. Most of the kids were great but I couldn't believe what smart mouths some of them had. Your children, however, are angels. Thank the Lord tomorrow is Friday!!

  2. No, just that one little friend that was suspended. Seriously out of 900 kids almost, it's not all that bad. I was venting. But I'll be glad for Friday as well.=)


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