Friday, October 24, 2008

Funny Story

I had a funny story to tell you but canNOT remember what it was for the life of me. I really did...just the other day I was telling the ladies at school that I was eating with something one of them did or said, and their answer was...."write that down!! That's hilarious!" Imagine that...something hilarious at my house.

Drew started chorus this morning! He was soooo excited! He's finding 'his place' at school this year, it seems. He also won his grade level spelling bee and gets to go to the Town Hall's annual spelling bee on December 9! AHEM all the grandparents! There will be refreshments to follow. Drew is the first member of my family to join the school's chorus, and I'm so proud of him. I'm out of time and will have to write about the funny story another time...maybe later today!!


  1. Don't worry. Drew has already told us about the spelling bee and when it was and asked us to be there. You know we will. We are very proud of him. I had to tell him that I was in the spelling bee in the 5th grade and missed the word fatigue. He didn't know that word either but he is younger than I was. I am also happy he is in the chorus. That will mean more programs we can go to!

  2. Yea for Drew! That is awesome! I know you are so proud! I hope he does well! Hope your Friday was better than your Thursday! Love ya!


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